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Cindi McMenamin

Cindi McMenamin is an award-winning author and national speaker who helps women find strength for the soul. She has nearly 35 years experience ministering to women and inspiring them to let God meet their emotional needs, grow stronger through their alone times, and pursue their dreams with boldness.
God's cure for our anxiety

How natural it is for you and me to go into a tailspin when circumstances feel overwhelming. When we canā€™t see the …

March 3, 2025
Peace in the midst of struggle

Have you ever had a week when one frustration after another compounded until you threw your hands up and said, “I’m done!”? …

February 18, 2025
overcoming loneliness

Would you take a challenge with me this week? It involves spending more time with another person than you might be spending …

January 21, 2025
The New Loneliness book cover and bondage quote

Are you feeling lonelier these days than you used to? Experiencing that unexplainable ache you canā€™t seem to get rid of? Perhaps …

January 14, 2025
God is with you and for you

Itā€™s that time of year when you and I start thinking about ways to be healthier. But eating clean, losing the extra …

December 31, 2024
overwhelmingly loved

Christmas can be a lonely time if you have unmet expectations, if youā€™re feeling overwhelmed, or if youā€™re unable to spend it …

December 17, 2024
He is the God of compassion, grace, and mercy

Is it in your default to think of God as Someone who is waiting to hammer you for messing up? If you …

November 12, 2024
Hope in the One on Calvary's Hill

If you’re feeling frightened or uneasy about the future, I understand. In an election year, when you may feel your vote doesn’t …

October 28, 2024
God as our Daddy

If you grew up with a great dad, God blessed you with a glimpse of what life with your heavenly Father can …

August 20, 2024
Hope in God's Word

I wouldnā€™t be surprised if by now in your walk with God youā€™ve heard at least one person say, ā€œI have a …

August 6, 2024
Unanswered prayer

Are you wondering why God isn’t answering a particular prayer of yours? Maybe He seems silent and youā€™re wondering why you should …

July 23, 2024
Peace in the midst of struggle

I had just returned from a 10-day trip to North Africa with my family. I had heavy jet lag and a week …

June 18, 2024

Identity is a big deal lately. So are labels we give ourselves. Years ago, we despised labels. They were synonymous with a …

April 23, 2024
Certainty of God's Presence in the Uncertainty of our Circumstances

Do you know what it’s like to ask God for something and to keep waiting for an answer? It’s difficult to imagine …

April 15, 2024
Living for Jesus daily

In this new year, Iā€™ve been asking God for more of Him and less of me. More of His wisdom. Less of …

January 16, 2024
running on empty

You might be hearing it in songs or on people’s lips:Ā Ā “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” But what if you’re …

November 28, 2023

It happens. What youā€™d been hoping for, praying for, and in some cases even planning for, has resulted in disappointment. And if …

October 2, 2023
choose faith over fear

I recently had cause for worry. And even fear! My sister noticed a lump in my neck that an ultrasound shortly after …

August 22, 2023
God can provide for our everyday life

There is a lot that can cause you to fear your future these days. But Godā€™s steady assurances in His Word can …

July 8, 2023

Are you feeling uncertain, anxious, and even fearful about the future? When it comes to the nationā€™s economy, the housing market, gas …

June 20, 2023
responding to bullying believers

Have you ever said something with a pure heart and were criticized by another believer who didnā€™t understand or just appeared to …

June 5, 2023

No one welcomes hardships. They hurt. And they can negatively impact our relationship with God and others. But, they can also refine …

April 25, 2023
Living for Jesus daily

Easter isnā€™t just a one-day-a-year celebration. The fact that Jesus rose from the dead gives us extraordinary hope to live every day …

April 5, 2023
Missile prayers

I recently gave you some prayers that can help stop negative thoughts before they have a chance to take hold of your …

March 22, 2023
Why pray?

Are negative thoughts sabotaging your day by dictating to you what to fear and how to feel? Donā€™t let them have their …

March 6, 2023
the perfect love

You may have searched for itā€”I know I have. But perfect love does not exist this side of heaven.Ā Nevertheless, you and I …

February 14, 2023

Would you like to improve your mental, emotional, and spiritual health this year? Try journaling what you are struggling with, topics youā€™re …

January 23, 2023
Sing in Struggles

Stressā€”whether itā€™s physical, emotional, relational, or financialā€”can take its toll on any of us. But you can stay healthier this year if …

January 2, 2023
running on empty

Are you struggling with motivation this time of year? Is it taking all youā€™ve got to just face whatā€™s on your to-do …

December 13, 2022
don't be like those who offend you

If youā€™ll be having your grown children around your table this Thanksgiving you may want to be aware of some things that …

November 15, 2022
how to not embarrass your grown child

Are you ever accused of embarrassing your children? Iā€™m not talking about embarrassing middle-school or high school-age children. All we have to …

November 1, 2022

If I pay too much attention to what’s happening in this world, it could make me crazy. Can you relate? While gas …

October 5, 2022
girl running through field

 I recently shared with you three ways we can put Jesus on the throne, instead of ā€œworshiping a golden calf.ā€ This week, …

September 5, 2022
the perfect love

Do you ever wonder why we do the things we do? And yet, we’re not so different from the Israelites who did …

August 23, 2022
empower other women

We live in a time when itā€™s finally politically correct to empower women. But how we do it makes all the difference …

July 18, 2022
All about Jesus

Itā€™s popular today to talk of harnessing your inner strength, displaying your power as a woman, and living from your authentic self. …

July 12, 2022
Cindi and her Dad

Itā€™s rare, but wonderful, for a woman to be able to say ā€œI grew up with a loving father.ā€If you grew up …

June 14, 2022
Summer Prayer

Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us, ā€œFor everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.ā€As the season of summer …

June 1, 2022
feeling on the edge

Itā€™s easy to feel on the edge these days — whether weā€™re watching the news and becoming frustrated or just living with …

May 16, 2022
destress this spring

Have you noticed that itā€™s May? The flowers are out, the birds are singing, and Spring is in the air. And Spring …

May 2, 2022
Party Is Over

Itā€™s one thing to be disappointed in someone.But it’s even more hurtful, at times, when someone else is disappointed in you.And yet, …

April 18, 2022
God of second chances

Do you ever feel like youā€™ve completely blown it with God? As if Heā€™s thinking Iā€™ve had it. Iā€™ve given you enough …

April 6, 2022
Why pray?

If youā€™re like me, youā€™d rather just sleep in every morning ā€“ especially after losing an hour through Daylight Savings Time. But …

March 14, 2022
In all things sing

I found myself worrying about finances yesterday. I hate it when I do that. I certainly know better. God has always provided …

March 2, 2022
Confess don't complain

Having trouble with friends, family, or other relationships?None of us gets it right every time. But it helps to have some guidelines …

February 21, 2022
Take care of yourself

Tension is real. Baggage is destructive. And relationships can be outright difficult. But, itā€™s possible to improve every one of your relationships …

February 14, 2022

Do you ever just want to start over?Itā€™s a good thing that the God of Heaven is a God of fresh starts …

January 31, 2022

When it comes to prayers are yours all about you and your desires, or all about God and His worthiness to be …

January 24, 2022
the perfect love

What percentage of your life is made up of worship? One day out of your week? A fraction of a day, perhaps? …

January 11, 2022
In all things sing

I know what youā€™re thinking. We all had great expectations for the year 2020 and look what happened! Then when we rang …

January 4, 2022
overwhelmingly loved

On Sunday, we sang a song at church about the “overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God.” Have you thought about that lately? …

December 21, 2021

Are you asking God for something and you feel He hasnā€™t come through?Weekly I receive emails from women who have consistently asked …

December 15, 2021
In all things sing....

Donā€™t you wish you had an attitude of gratitude every day, and not just at Thanksgiving? I know I do. But sometimes …

November 19, 2021
God Is Not to Blame

Do you feel like God is ignoring you because others around you are enjoying Godā€™s blessing and it looks like youā€™re being …

November 8, 2021

Do you sometimes cower at your circumstances, wondering why your faith isnā€™t up for the task?How much faith we have is directly …

November 1, 2021

Faith is like a muscle in our bodies. We are given all we will ever need at the point of our salvation. …

October 25, 2021
Prone to wander

I recently learned something about myself — and my Savior — from my black cat, Mowgli.Each morning after exercising, I will ask …

October 4, 2021
girl running through field

Last week I wrote about three lies we tend to believe about God that keep us from enjoying a more intimate relationship …

September 13, 2021

What are you believing about God that isnā€™t true? And is it holding you back from a more intimate and enjoyable relationship …

September 6, 2021
Hope for Healing from Domestic Abuse

When you think of abused women you might not think they are sitting in church next to you, or in front of …

August 23, 2021

Admit it. Youā€™d enjoy more rest in your life,  you just donā€™t know how to get it. Do you realize God would enjoy more …

August 15, 2021
God's favor

Wouldnā€™t it be nice to not be so busy?Talk to most believers and you will find their lives are marked by busyness. …

August 9, 2021

Letā€™s admit it. We know weā€™re not supposed to worry and yet we do.We worry about finances, our health, and the health …

July 19, 2021
believing God for more

I know what youā€™re thinking: So many things to pray for and so little time. Perhaps youā€™ve kept a prayer journal, prayed for …

June 28, 2021
NASB Adventure Bible

Do you have children or grandchildren who arenā€™t excited about Gods Word? Thatā€™s normal, you might think.Ā The Bible is difficult for even adults …

June 8, 2021

Are you feeling drained, depressed, unmotivated? Thatā€™s understandable. This past year could do that to anyone. In fact, most women I talk …

May 24, 2021
Psalms of strength

If youā€™re like most people you are probably familiar with Psalm 23, which speaks of how the Lord is our Good Shepherd. …

May 5, 2021

Last week I gave you four ways to notice God is right next to you. But the list goes on. Here are …

April 13, 2021

Do you sometimes feel like God is far away? Heartbreak, struggles, unanswered prayer, or just filling your schedule with everything but Him can …

April 7, 2021
His song will be with me

Do you have a favorite song that has helped you through a relationship breakup or a challenging season of life?Songs can penetrate …

March 10, 2021
God's favor

God doesnā€™t have favoritesā€¦right? That would seem impartial or unfair. And yet, look through Scripture and youā€™ll find ordinary people whom God …

February 17, 2021
responding to bullying believers

In this time of confusion, division, and sometimes hate or indifference, are others seeing Jesus in you? In my last blog, I gave …

February 3, 2021
All about Jesus

Now more than ever, others need to see Jesus in us. Not the Jesus the media portrays. Not the Jesus that others …

January 20, 2021
Prayers to help you sleep

Having trouble sleeping due to all thatā€™s on your mind and heart? Whether youā€™re lying awake at night due to job loss, tight …

January 6, 2021

Would you like to fall more in love with Jesus in 2021? It happens by falling in love with His Word. And …

December 30, 2020
Teen devotional book

Do you find you are overly focused on spending money at this time of year?Ā My writing client, Donna Wright, just released a …

December 15, 2020

Around Thanksgiving itā€™s ingrained in us to think of our blessings, and focus on what we have, rather than what we lack. …

November 18, 2020
God can provide for our everyday life

Are you on the edge of your seat regarding your health, the election, your finances, or your future? Donā€™t worry. Godā€™s got this. …

November 2, 2020
Peace in the midst of struggle

There are lot of situations that can cause us to worry right now. Pandemic. Sinking economy. Volatile election year. In fact, if you …

October 27, 2020
responding to bullying believers

My husband and I were running on a local trail recently. As we increased our speed up a hill, an older man …

October 20, 2020
purple flowers

After watching the Presidential election debate last week my heart dropped. With a sickened feeling in my stomach I prayed, “Come quickly, …

October 7, 2020
Worry About Nothing

I was struck this morning at how badly our country needs prayer, how much our leaders need prayer, and how my own …

September 21, 2020
Sing in Struggles

Iā€™ll admit it. I’ve been ragging on 2020. Who hasn’t? Worst year ever! I mean, could things get any worse? And then Psalm …

September 9, 2020

What are you waiting for God to accomplish in your life? We often quote Psalm 37:4 as our ā€œguaranteeā€ that God is going …

September 1, 2020

During a worldwide pandemic we often think of the need for physical healing. But God is the One who can heal EVERY …

August 26, 2020
Peace in the midst of struggle

Do you need to experience peace right now in a world that feels like it’s falling apart? The prescription ā€“ or antidote …

August 18, 2020
Worry About Nothing

In a world of pain, pandemic, fear, anxiety, political divisiveness, racial tensions, and shaming every time we turn around, how do you …

August 3, 2020
Adult child's pain

As parents, none of us want to hear that our grown children have suffered pain. Especially if we were the cause of …

July 27, 2020
Comparison kills your confidence

If youā€™re like most women, you often feel stuck in the trap of comparison. But my friend and writing client, Julie Pearson, …

July 13, 2020
Set Your Heart on Things Above

It happened.Ā This week I snapped about COVID-19 and the resulting cruddy condition of this world.Ā Iā€™d been staying positive for months. Iā€™d been …

June 29, 2020
Be Spirit-filled not drama-filled

Itā€™s happening daily. Itā€™s the volatile, divisive world weā€™re living in right now. A personal accusation, a misunderstanding, careless words, or an action …

June 23, 2020
Women on the Edge book cover

Satan wants nothing more than to enter certain areas of your life so he can gain a stronghold. Heā€™ll try anything to …

June 10, 2020
Deconstructed: A Bible Study Guide

Do you struggle to understand your Bible? Or are you one who simply waits for someone else — like your Pastor or …

May 26, 2020
worry-free mind

Itā€™s easy to gripe right now about everything I donā€™t like about this world pandemic. But this week I decided to focus on …

May 19, 2020
purple flowers

On Sunday afternoon I was walking a neighborhood trail and enjoying the beauty of the sunshine, the clear blue skies, and the …

April 28, 2020
Coronavirus isolation

How are you doing while being holed up in your home? Iā€™ve been encouraged by seeing so many people rise above this …

April 7, 2020

I know life has turned upside down for you. You canā€™t attend church. You canā€™t go to your health club or meet …

March 31, 2020

Recently, Iā€™d been shaking my head at the fear and panic Iā€™ve seen that surrounds the Coronavirus outbreak. Lines wrapped around the …

March 24, 2020

What a crazy week itā€™s been. Fear. Panic. Hoarding of toilet paper. Cancelled flights (I had one of those!) and cancellation of …

March 18, 2020
choose faith over fear

Last week I gave you Four Ways to Trust God When Money is Tight. This week I want to give you four …

March 9, 2020
God can provide for our everyday life

Wouldnā€™t it be nice if having a relationship with God meant never having to worry about money again? Actually, thatā€™s possible. But not …

March 2, 2020

In a perfect world, your boyfriend or husband would know instinctively how to love you in a way that meets your needs. In …

February 24, 2020

Did you survive Valentineā€™s Day focusing on the true love of your life? Last week I gave you four ways Jesus is …

February 17, 2020

As Valentineā€™s Day approaches, it can be a lonely time if you’re single, divorced, widowed, or often disappointed from unmet expectations. So, I …

February 9, 2020
Defy Your Diagnosis

Let me introduce you to my friend, Lorraine BossĆ©-Smith, whom I met years ago when I worked at a health club. Lorraine …

January 28, 2020

Last week I gave you five prayers to help you maintain hope when life throws a curveball. Here are 5 more prayers …

January 21, 2020
When bad feelings can be good

Could you use some hope in the middle of a mess right now? Life often doesnā€™t go as planned, does it? And …

January 14, 2020

Have you thought about your priorities in this new decade? Are you planning to put your family first, get out of debt, …

January 6, 2020

How can you and I be extra selfless during a time when it’s so easy to be selfish? Nearly every ad on …

December 10, 2019
All about Jesus

It feels good to be all about us, doesn’t it? Especially when everyone else is, too. But when Jesus told His followers to …

November 18, 2019

As the busiest time of the year approaches, Iā€™m sure youā€™re finding thereā€™s still too much to do and only one of …

November 13, 2019

Does the Bible sound foreign to you, at times? Would you like to understand it more and even study it? Iā€™ve been …

November 5, 2019
What if God Wrote Your Shopping List

Have you ever wondered how you might spend money differently if God wrote your shopping list? In other words, what if we …

October 25, 2019
juggling it all

Itā€™s that time of year again when thereā€™s too much to do and thereā€™s only one of you. Ā If the responsibilities are mounting …

October 21, 2019
live your story

A few weeks ago, I posted a blog called 5 Simple Ways to Let Others See Christ in Your Life. Based on …

October 7, 2019
Questions about the Bible

Do you find that you have more questions than answers when you read the Bible? Do you wish there was someone there …

September 30, 2019
Everyday Brave

Do you know what it’s like to wait for something? My friend, Author Janet Thompson, lends some encouragement that will help you …

September 25, 2019

I know that you and I would like to think others see only the best in us. But honestly, others see whomever …

September 16, 2019
Why pray?

I know this thought must cross your mind from time to time. If God knows everything and if He’s going to do …

September 10, 2019
forgiveness is powerful

What are the three most powerful words you can think of? I love you? I see you? I trust you? How about …

September 3, 2019
Spiritual bucket list

Summer is almost over. Would you like to spend the rest of it growing closer to the Lord? How about taking a …

August 11, 2019

After giving you 10 women of the Bible NOT to be like, my friend — Author Kathy Collard Miller — guest blogs …

July 29, 2019
Be Spirit-filled not drama-filled

I learned during my teen years that if you donā€™t have the proper role models in front of you, you have to …

July 23, 2019
Inner calm

When it comes to the women we model our lives after, who are your heroines? Actresses? Models? Outspoken women fighting for a womanā€™s …

July 17, 2019
the perfect love

Do you ever wonder why God isn’t giving you “success”? This morning I read this from Proverbs 2:7: “He holds success in …

July 6, 2019

ā€œDoesnā€™t God want me to succeed?ā€ I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve heard that question ā€“ or lament ā€“ after someone …

July 2, 2019
filter every circumstance

Do you ever have one of those weeks ā€“ or months ā€“ when it seems like God isnā€™t around? When it seems …

June 25, 2019

Iā€™ve been hearing a lot about ā€œself loveā€ lately. Everywhere I turn, I see articles like “10 Powerful Ways to Practice Self …

June 4, 2019
Busy Woman's Guide to Healthy, Happy Living

Do you consider yourself a healthy, happy person? How about one or the other? My friend, Sally Nance, has a new ebook …

May 28, 2019

Are disappointments and dashed dreams causing you to struggle with believing God is good? Last week I helped you answer the question “Is …

May 21, 2019
God Is Not to Blame

Youā€™ve probably heard it said a thousand times — “God is good.” Yet one good look at the pain and suffering in …

May 13, 2019
Capturing God's heart

Is it really possible to “capture” the heart of God? After all, He loves all of us, right? And Scripture says God …

May 7, 2019

For all of my readers who are now grandmothers, I want to encourage you in how you can help your grown daughter …

April 30, 2019
Psalm 84:11

Last week I gave you ā€œFive Reasons God Might Not Be Blessing Your Life.ā€ This week I want to touch on five …

April 22, 2019
Why Isn't God Blessing?

Are you feeling ā€œskipped overā€ when it comes to Godā€™s blessings in your life? Sometimes itā€™s easy to feel neglected when we look …

April 16, 2019

Is your faith on a steady course or could you be in danger of shipwreck?  Scripture warns us of the possibility of being …

April 10, 2019
God's simple acts of love

Could you use a reminder of God’s presence, a whisper of His love, a comforting reassurance that He has not forgotten you? …

April 1, 2019
Favorite old son

Do you ever just need to reconnect with God, remind yourself of the truth of Who He is, or reignite your personal …

March 25, 2019
5 old songs I never want to forget

While looking for ways to change up my devotional time with God recently, I dusted off an old hymnal (that was published …

March 20, 2019
live your story

Do you ever think about what God is writing about YOUR life in the eternal realm? I had the opportunity to talk …

March 12, 2019
Questions Jesus asked

Do you still have questions for God? There are many things we will never understand this side of heaven, yet our inquiring …

March 4, 2019
Questions God asks us

We often have questions of God. Questions like: Where are you? Why did You allow this? and What kind of good can come out …

February 25, 2019
Emotions Jesus expressed

Have you experienced the heartache of losing someone you love? What about a personal dread or agony of wishing you didnā€™t have …

February 12, 2019

Several years ago, I heard a wise person pray, ā€œBreak my heart, God, with what breaks Yours.ā€ Iā€™ve never forgotten that prayer …

February 5, 2019
Side by Side by Jayme Lee Hull

Have you ever wondered if God can really hear you? All I ever do is listen to other people.Ā Can you relate? As …

January 29, 2019

Are you ever accused of being critical when you don’t think you are?That happened to me recently. My grown daughter was telling …

January 23, 2019

How is your time with God going in this new year? If you’d like to give it a boost, I have added …

January 7, 2019

Would you like this new year to be a better, more thriving year with God? It can be if you learn to …

January 1, 2019

Are you experiencing a sense of loss at this time of year when everyone else seems to be celebrating? The Christmas season can …

December 18, 2018

Wouldn’t this be a great time to let others see Jesus in your life? Ā Especially at this time of year when so …

December 3, 2018

Do you need a mentor to help you through life’s transitions? Or would you like to be that woman who helps a …

November 28, 2018
Thankful in all things

I’m often asked how one can be thankful at this time of Ā year when struggling with pain, heartache, and disappointment. If that …

November 20, 2018
live your story

I heard my pastor say recently that, as humans, “we are as porous as sponges.” “We are so vulnerable to whatever will …

November 5, 2018

This week, author, blogger and parenting expert Sarah Hamaker shares with my readers how you can connect — and stay connected — …

October 30, 2018

If you’re still feeling like God has forgotten you, here’s some hope. Last week I shared with you what God was teaching …

October 8, 2018
the perfect love

Are you going through a disappointing time right now? I know what that’s like. I got my hopes up about something, was …

October 1, 2018
Prayers of My Heart Journal

I recently posted a blog called “Stop Believing You Can Never Change.” This week, Author Debbie Taylor Williams shares her guest blog …

September 24, 2018

Are you letting your past mistakes define you? Do you find yourself believing that you will always be a certain way? Iā€™ll …

September 11, 2018

None of us wants to break our children’s hearts. Yet, sometimes we do without even realizing it. This week, my friend, Lori …

August 26, 2018

How we love to claim the promises of God in Scripture! They give us hope, comfort, and renewed strength. Yet sometimes we …

August 20, 2018
Hugh & Cindi McMenamin

Monday marked my husband’s and my thirtieth wedding anniversary. Thirty years! I’d love to tell you it’s been one long honeymoon. But …

August 13, 2018

That’s a pretty big claim, isn’t it? That just three truths can change your life for the better? But seriously. The people …

August 5, 2018
Inner calm

Are you one to crumble at lifeā€™s circumstances? Or do you allow them to make you stronger? When life brings something painful …

July 29, 2018

I Ā recently wrote an article called “Is God Really Good?” Of course He is! But sometimes we question His goodness when we …

July 25, 2018

No one wants to be a people pleaser. But could you be one without even realizing it? I was. Until I realized …

July 17, 2018
Enjoy the Son This Summer

Would you like to spend this summer growing closer to the Lord, experiencing His presence, falling in love with His Word again? …

July 11, 2018

I know youā€™ve asked yourself ā€“ or someone else ā€“ this question. In the past couple months, I’ve run a couple guest …

July 2, 2018

Are the circumstances of life robbing you of true joy and contentment? Then my friend, Diane Markins, has some encouraging words for …

June 26, 2018

If you have wounds in your life because of a less-than-perfect father you are not alone. Through the years, Iā€™ve heard stories …

June 12, 2018
When bad feelings can be good

I’ve heard it said that feelings arenā€™t bad or good, theyā€™re simply yours. But I happen to believe that what we consider …

June 4, 2018
Inner calm

I know how you feel. There are so many things for you to do in so little time. Kids are pulling at …

May 27, 2018

Can you say you are completely content with your life? Your relationships? Your job? If not, you can be. My friend — …

May 22, 2018

Do you know what it’s like to be married but feel “miles apart” from your husband? How about the feeling that there’s …

May 15, 2018
Thankful I'm a mom

Yes, there are days parenting can be frustrating. And yes, Iā€™ve had those moments ā€“ especially during my daughter’s Ā pre-teen years ā€“ …

May 1, 2018
Mentoring women

Do you and I need a support system while going through life’s changes? Absolutely. For years, I’ve talked about how we each …

April 24, 2018
God's Words of Confidence

Are you believing debilitating lies without even realizing it? I wasn’t aware that I was until I read Leviticus 5 the other …

April 10, 2018
the perfect love

Are you loving Jesus as much today as the first day you decided to follow Him? I first decided to follow Jesus …

April 3, 2018
Reaping a Fruitful Life

Do you ever find yourself frustrated by life’s circumstances? The Bible has a general “reap what you sow” message, but sometimes we …

March 27, 2018
Emotional disconnect

Is there a widening gap in your marriage? One that you arenā€™t sure how to bridge? What about the emotional gap with …

March 20, 2018

Are you at risk of losing your effectiveness as a child of God? How can we do that? you might ask. I …

March 13, 2018
Move on from Baggage

Last week, I gave you 5 Simple Steps to Leave Your Pain in the Past. This week I'm offering you 5 more ways to help you overcome the deep-seated hurts in your life. (And No. 2 just might surprise you...especially if it's the reason you have not been able to move forward out of your past pain.) From my book, When a Woman Overcomes Life's Hurts, here are 5 more steps toward healing and wholeness so you can move on from the baggage in your past

March 7, 2018

Every person who walks planet earth has been wounded. Some more than others. And pain has a way of sticking with us …

February 26, 2018

I’ll never forget the day I was cleaning through my top dresser drawer and found a treasure. I almost threw out the …

February 5, 2018

Do you ever panic when your situation looks bleak, thinking God has forgotten you? It’s human nature, I’m sure, to fear the …

January 29, 2018

Imagine, Ā you and I can bring glory to the God of this universe…and benefit from it, too. And if we don’t, God …

January 16, 2018

If youā€™re like me, you constantly wonder what more you should be doing for your children. Am I giving them enough of …

January 8, 2018

What do you do to instill confidence in your life? Read a good book? Take a course in self-confidence? Brush up on …

January 2, 2018
never forgotten

Have you experienced circumstances lately that threaten to darken your outlook on life? Are you struggling with a health problem? A tight …

November 13, 2017

Are you constantly comparing yourself to others? Why do we DO that? If youā€™re like me, you donā€™t intentionally play the comparison …

October 24, 2017
Questions Jesus asked

If you’re like most people, you have lots of Ā WHY questions for God. I have had them, too. Why am I going …

October 1, 2017
Desires of your heart

Are you tired of pursuing something only to find it always eludes you? It might be your approach. For instance, are you …

September 12, 2017
Desires of your heart

Are you tired of pursuing something only to find it always eludes you? It might be your approach. For instance, are you …

September 12, 2017
5 keys to upgrading your courage

What fear seems overwhelming to you right now? A situation that your child is in? Something God is calling you to do? …

August 28, 2017
Trust God in the Drama

Every time I write a book about something, God makes sure I learn it first. So what was my lesson behind writing …

August 23, 2017
Practice happiness

Sally Nance, whose blog is The Healthy Happy Woman, is my guest blogger this week. Here are her thoughts on how to …

August 14, 2017
The drama could be God's deliverance

Have you ever considered that some of the drama in your life could actually be God’s deliverance from something worse? I mean, …

August 1, 2017

Admit it. Youā€™d like to be one of those couples that prays together daily, conducts family devotions regularly, and models to others …

July 31, 2017
Pray without ceasing

I had the privilege of being interviewed by Marnie Swedberg on her radio show just recently. Spending an hour talking about Drama …

July 24, 2017
Statements to diffuse the drama

I don’t believe any of us sets out to experience drama on a daily basis. Many times it just happens. But you …

June 5, 2017

What would you say if your child told you that he or she was gay? Maybe you havenā€™t experienced that but a …

May 29, 2017
Fearing anything other than God

What do you fear more than God? It’s very possible that is what is causing you drama. For instance, I was recently …

May 9, 2017
drama free mom

Leave it to my friend, Arlene Pellicane, to find a positive example of drama. I asked the popular author and speaker to …

April 25, 2017
Drama filled or drama free

If youā€™re like me, youā€™ve often said ā€“ or thought ā€“ I donā€™t do drama. Yet, as much as you and I …

April 17, 2017
Statements to diffuse the drama

Would you like to be done with the drama? Me too. Admit it. Youā€™ve said (or at least thought) Iā€™m done with …

April 10, 2017

Iā€™m no stranger to drama. I wish that werenā€™t so. I wish I could tell you that there has never been a …

March 30, 2017
Why do we love whining

Oh how we love whining! I donā€™t think any of us sets out to make a habit of whining. But it sure …

March 20, 2017

What stresses you out? Work? Finances? Your children? Tax time? What about a project you are working on that doesnā€™t appear to …

March 13, 2017
8 ways to be a more compassionate communicator

Are you tired of the hateful language on television and social media lately? It isnā€™t coming just from unbelievers. Itā€™s coming from those who follow Christ, too. My friend, Dawn Marie Wilson, has a heart to see women live more godly lives. As my guest blogger today, she offers simple ways we can stand out amidst the hostility and be a more compassionate, yet effective, communicator. Dawn says: ā€œI believe every one of us can become a more compassionate communicator." Here are Dawn's 8 ways we can learn to express ourselves in a more compassionate manner: 1. We can learn to be SENSITIVE. We must be sensitive to differences. God designed a beautiful ā€œgardenā€ of people. Some are ā€œroses,ā€ some are ā€œdaisies,ā€ and some are awesome medicinal ā€œweedsā€! Is a rose better than a weed just because we think itā€™s so? God is the Potter and we are His clay (Isaiah 64:8). Every person is beautiful and valuableā€”created in Godā€™s image (Genesis 1:27). Instead of trying to ignore our differences, we can develop deeper appreciation for them. We can love our neighbor as we love ourselves (Mark 12:31). Being sensitive doesnā€™t mean we have to agree with everything; we can learn to disagree agreeably. Sensitivity is simply the capacity to be aware of differences and the needs of others. Thatā€™s something we all can cultivate. 2. We can show RESPECT.

February 27, 2017

If you are dreading Valentineā€™s Day you are not alone. Every year I talk with women, read loads of emails, and even …

February 14, 2017

Why Donā€™t We Pray More Specifically? In this two-minute video clip from a recent conference, I share what I learned about praying …

February 7, 2017

As I prepare to launch my new book Drama Free, I asked my friend, Shelley Hendrix to share what was on her …

January 30, 2017
Allow these words to change your life

Do you struggle with confidence, significance, or feeling loved? Or do you know a woman who does? Godā€™s Word is full of …

January 23, 2017
4 More Things God Will Never Sayou hand Him your concerns

About 16 months ago I posted a blog calledĀ  “5 Things God Will Never Say as You Hand Him Your Concerns.” You …

January 13, 2017
Reasons God Isn't Answering Your Prayers

Do you ever feel like God isnā€™t answering your prayers? I heard from a reader recently who asked ā€œHow long am I …

January 9, 2017
never forgotten

Do you know what it’s like to feel disappointed in God? Youā€™ve prayed. Youā€™ve been faithful and obedient. Youā€™ve sincerely wanted Godā€™s …

December 19, 2016
Desiring God

In my last blog I asked you what you want more of. I told you I want more of Jesus and less …

November 29, 2016

What do you want more of? Have you thought of that lately? You and I live in a society where we are …

November 15, 2016
Feeling discouraged? Focus on the facts not feelings

Focus on the facts of Who God is, and not your feelings and fears, and you can gain the energy to get through your day.

October 31, 2016
Pursuing Your Callling

Do you ever feel guilty about pursuing a dream God has placed upon your heart? Iā€™ve heard women say things like ā€œWho …

October 18, 2016

Are you someone who is constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop? Do you find it's easier to expect the worst than the best? Do you find yourself fearful that God won't really come through for you?
As women, our fears range from living out our lives alone, to not being able to have children, to losing our jobs or homes or someone close to us. Often, our fears are rooted in a misunderstanding of who God really is. Depending on your upbringing, you may see God as the One who seeks to pay you back for mistakes you've made in the past. Or, maybe you see Him as One who will think good and hard before coming to your aid when you find you are in need. But God isn't an angry god with a vengeance to get back at you. He's the God who loves you and wants your love and trust in return.
Hebrews 11:6 says: "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him" (NIV, emphasis added).
God wants your faith -- not your fear -- that He really can come through for you. But in order to have faith in Him, you must know who He is and be convinced He's trustworthy. So let me give you two steps that will help you get to know -- and love -- this God you no longer need to fear.

October 11, 2016

Thereā€™s a reason you and I struggle with forgiveness. But I donā€™t think itā€™s because of how deeply weā€™ve been wounded by …

September 20, 2016

Have you found yourself wondering if God was ever going to answer your prayer? My friend, Author and Speaker Donna Jones, shares …

September 19, 2016
4 More Things God Will Never Sayou hand Him your concerns

There are a few situations in my life right now that could really stress me out. My husband is waiting to hear about three different job opportunities, and to be honest, he needs at least two of the three!
Now, I can pull out my hair, and lose sleep at night, and keep calculating what we'll do if he doesn't get any of those jobs. Or, I can realize it is ludicrous for me to worry that God isn't aware, or doesn't care, or won't provide for us in time.
I choose to not be ludicrous. So I thought of five good reasons not to worry about that or anything we tend to worry about. Those five good reasons come down to five things you and I will never hear God say as we hand Him our worries and concerns.
So here they are. You never have to fear any of these responses when you trust God with what is on your heart:

September 13, 2016
10 best books I've read

I thought it was time to put together a list of the 10 best (and most challenging) books I’ve read in the …

August 28, 2016

Slavery is not something of the past. It still happens in this country and even in our local communities. I asked my friend, Peggy Sue Wells, to share on my blog this week what is on her heart. As you read her shocking and heartbreaking story, be asking yourself what YOU can do to stamp out slavery in your corner of the world. "Twelve-year-old Carrie was a smart girl taking classes for gifted and talented students. One day as she walked home from middle school, a man in a fancy car drove up beside her and told her she was pretty. Though she didnā€™t tell her parents about him, every day for six months he met her after school and they talked. He bought her small gifts and made her feel special. After six months she finally agreed to get into his car. When the door shut, Carrieā€™s life changed forever. Her boyfriend drove her far from home and took away her identity. For the next five years, he prostituted Carrie to more than 100 men each month. Taken from state to state, there was no place for her to run, and she was without hope for rescue. Though Carrie was a United States citizen, in the land of liberty she was no longer free. This all-American pre-teen was a slave. (To read more of this blog click on the "Read More" button below)

August 15, 2016
What some claim as biblical advice isn't always biblical.ical

Do you ever get ā€“ or give ā€“ ā€œbiblical adviceā€ that isnā€™t actually from the Bible?
My guess is that it happens more times than you realize because there are so many secular sayings that sound like theyā€™re from the Bible when they, in fact, are not.
To help you be able to discern the real stuff from the imposter, here are three ā€œversesā€ that are often quoted as if theyā€™re from Scripture when in fact, they are actually contrary to the truth found in Godā€™s Word:

August 3, 2016

Got stress? It seems to be our constant companion in this life. In fact, stress is trying to be a companion of mine as I write my next book, Drama Free. So, I asked my friend Sally Nance -- who writes a wonderful blog called The Healthy Happy Woman -- to share some practical ways that you and I can stress less. I'm already trying a few of these as I struggle with deadline pressure and they are really helping. So, as I get back to my book-writing deadline, here are some words from Sally that just might change YOUR life, too:

July 18, 2016

Want to drop a few pounds, find more energy, enjoy life,Ā  and live a little longer? The secret is to keep moving. …

July 5, 2016
Inspiring the man in your life

Every week for the past ten years, I’ve received at least one or two emails asking me for marriage or relationship advice. …

June 21, 2016

Before my daughter, Dana. started work at DisneylandĀ  she had to take a class called ā€œTraditions.ā€ In this class, Disney employees (called …

June 7, 2016
Forsaken God book cover

Is Our Culture Forsaking God? Sadly, the answer to that question is “Yes.” That’s what my friend, Janet Thompson, says. She is …

May 24, 2016
Feeling alone?

I think it’s natural for us to feel alone as women. You and I have burdens we carry — emotionally and spiritually. …

May 10, 2016

This morning I found myself focusing on what I donā€™t have. I hate it when I do that. I have been given …

May 3, 2016

Are you a worrier or a warrior? A worrier is one who tries to fight her own battles of fear, insecurity, and …

April 19, 2016

I’d love to give you ten minutes of encouragement on how you can be a worry-free mom. And if you don’t have …

March 28, 2016

Iā€™ll admit it. Iā€™ve said the words aloud or thought them many times. And Iā€™m guessing you have, too. Theyā€™re two of …

March 1, 2016
Reasons why I'm not worrying

There are three things I could really worry and stress about right now. And yet, I’m choosing not to. Here are the …

February 23, 2016
Worried about finding love

Do you ever worry about finding someone? Keeping someone? Marrying someone? As Valentineā€™s Day approaches, you or someone you know might be …

February 8, 2016

What if I told you that breaking the worry habit is easier than you think? Here are some simple ways to apply the Bible's instruction to our life to worry about nothing, pray about everything, and experience God's peace in return.

January 12, 2016
Worry-free woman

Iā€™m tired of sweating the small stuff. And stressing about the large stuff. And worrying about whatever is in between. So, now …

January 4, 2016

You hear it every year (at least I hope you do!). You might have called it ā€œThe Story of Baby Jesusā€ when …

December 17, 2015

Are you dreading the holidays because of all there is to do? Or all you have to buy? Or all there is …

December 17, 2015

Itā€™s that time of year againā€¦the time of year that stresses your schedule, stretches your patience, and drains your finances. About now …

December 17, 2015

Do you remember what it was like to be in love with God? Do you remember having a passion for Him? It …

December 7, 2015

As the busyness increases this time of year it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, isn’t it? You and I have so much to …

December 2, 2015

Do you, too, need more of Jesus and less of yourself? As I was focusing this past week on wanting more of …

November 24, 2015

Today I got to thinking about a concept: More Jesus, less selfie. It goes against everything that’s modeled to us in this …

November 17, 2015

I’m guessing you could use some rest and relief — right now! But taking a vacation or getting a massage or spending …

November 10, 2015
Hope in Him

There’s no magic formula for staying hopeful. But I’m convinced there is One who instills hope in us during even the most …

November 3, 2015

I wonder how often you and I have received God’s touch, but we never knew it was Him. In response to my …

October 27, 2015

Could you use some tips for more effectively hearing God’s voice? This week I asked Author Leighann McCoy to share her insights …

October 20, 2015

Are you considering leaving your church? If so, I want to give you a few things to think about. If you’re leaving …

October 13, 2015

Do you hear God’s voice? Or can you say you even know how to listen for Him? Much confusion exists today about …

October 6, 2015

Would you like to be a happier mom? I’ve asked my friend, Arlene Pellicane, to give you some insights from her wonderful …

September 29, 2015

“Where is God when it hurts?” “Doesn’t He care?” “Why would He let this happen?” Those are questions I often hear from …

September 22, 2015
Desires of your heart

I started thinking today about divine desires. Do my desires truly please God? Are they from Him? Or are they too much …

September 15, 2015
Worry About Nothing

Have you ever wondered what to do when peace seems elusive? Three women emailed me recently to ask how they can find …

September 8, 2015

Itā€™s been one of those weeks. A week in which I had to choose joy. A week in which it seemed like …

September 1, 2015

Are you trying to change your husband?Are you thinking you’d be happier married to someone else? Are you just falling out of …

August 25, 2015

Are you feeling spiritually dry? Do you need to recharge your spiritual battery? A reader recently emailed and said: “I feel so …

August 18, 2015

Are you struggling to forgive someone who has hurt you but hasn’t shown any signs of remorse? In my ongoing blog series …

August 11, 2015

Are you wondering how to recapture your husband’s heart? In my ongoing blog series “Questions Women Ask,” one reader wrote: “I want …

August 4, 2015

Do you ever feel like your pastor is blowing you off? Maybe you just feel like he doesn’t greet you or treat …

July 28, 2015

Do you ever feel like you’re losing your son? Here is a question I received recently in my ongoing blog series on …

July 21, 2015

What does a wife do when her husband cheats? That was the most frequently asked question I received last week since …

July 14, 2015

What if the man you are longing for loves someone else? I am dedicating the next few weeks on my blog to …

July 7, 2015
Hiding place

Do you know what it’s like to experience God as your hiding place? For years, one of my favorite verses in Scripture …

June 30, 2015

It is quite popular these days to be on a search to find yourself. To pull away from friends, family and the …

June 23, 2015

Do you ever feel intimidated as a parent? If so you’re not alone. I’m now a featured blogger at First Corinthians 13 …

June 16, 2015

Are you ready for 4Ā  more things you never have to worry about? I asked you last week to let me know …

June 9, 2015

Did you know there are at least 7 things we never need to worry about? ‘ As Iā€™ve grown older, Iā€™ve made …

June 2, 2015

A few years ago my husband and I came up with a list of 15 Things You’ll Never Hear God Say. It …

May 26, 2015

Do you know the God of religion or relationship? I re-discovered something precious in the Word of God this morning. I was …

May 19, 2015

Do you ever think about the kind of legacy you will one day leave? Now that I’m older (I hit half a …

May 12, 2015
Where is God anyway?

If God is saying “no” to your prayers for a child, I can understand if Mother’s Day hurts. I remember the hurt …

May 5, 2015
the perfect love

Do you have thatĀ  inconsolable longing to be truly and deeply known? As a young wife and mom, I copied a verse …

April 28, 2015

Has anyone ever tried to give you advice from God? We all need people in our lives to encourage us with Scripture …

April 21, 2015
Questions Jesus asked

Do you ever find yourself questioning God? Why now, God? Couldn’t You have waited another week or so? Why her, Lord? Couldn’t …

April 14, 2015

Are you a wounded woman or a warrior woman? I can help you become the latter. While I was writing my book, …

April 7, 2015
God of second chances

Now that Spring is here, it’s time for make-overs, do-overs and new beginnings. Could you use one of those? There are days …

March 31, 2015

Do you want to see growth in your marriage? Once a month I try to encourage my blog readers who are married. …

March 24, 2015

I got cut off on the road the other day by an inconsiderate driver. I found myself saying aloud “I didn’t deserve …

March 17, 2015

Have you ever had a God encounter? Let me rephrase that question. Have you ever had a week in which it seemed …

March 10, 2015

My 3-year-old nephew, Escher, was praying for our breakfast just as we were about to go into Disneyland. “Dear Disneyland Jesus, Thank …

March 3, 2015

What are you and IĀ  teaching our children about how to develop healthy and lasting relationships? I asked my friend, Lori WildenbergĀ  …

February 24, 2015

What seems impossible that you are waiting upon God to accomplish? A raise at work? A life partner? A baby in your …

February 17, 2015

Have you ever thought about what kind of Valentine’s Day card you might pick out for God? I got to thinking about …

February 10, 2015

Are you wondering why God won’t answer a particular prayer of yours? A question I’ve been hearing a lot lately is “Why …

February 3, 2015

Does getting older bother you? It never used to bother me. Until yesterday. I turned 50. And I think I’m beginning to …

January 27, 2015
closer connection

What are you doing to cultivate a closer connection with your spouse this year? Every January I write new goals for the …

January 20, 2015
Questions Jesus asked

These are the questions that burned on the hearts of my readers this past year: How do I know if that open …

January 13, 2015

Do you have a plan for growing spiritually in the next 12 months? I had to start writing out a plan every …

January 6, 2015

Are you dreaming of something you’d like to see happen in this next year? Ā I hope so. To have something to look …

December 30, 2014

Do you have lofty expectations this Christmas? I hear from many women who fear the family won’t get along or their husband …

December 23, 2014

It’s easy to be a woman on the edge at Christmas. After all, there’s so much to do,Ā and so much toĀ buy,Ā  and …

December 16, 2014

Admit it. You at one time believed God brought you and your husband together. That’s what you told others. And that’s why …

December 9, 2014

Every week I receive an email from another woman who is frustrated with her husband. Every week I read exasperated words like …

December 2, 2014

With the holidays coming, it’s easy to get stressed, so all the more reason to be a person of gratitude rather than …

November 18, 2014

How healthy are you going into this holiday season? While you can try to steer clear of germs, pump up the …

November 11, 2014

In 20 years of ministering to women, I’ve received hundreds of letters and emails telling me about a woman’s unique marital struggles. …

November 4, 2014

I remember the day marriage finally made sense to me. I was flying to a speaking engagement and complaining to God …

November 2, 2014

Hugh was ticking me off. I didn’t realize when he opened the restaurant door for me and I walked in, that …

November 2, 2014

When was the last time you really splurged on your spouse? We don’t seem to have a problem splurging on our …

November 2, 2014

Go ahead. Admit it. Your marriage isn’t everything you expected it to be, is it? But that’s okay. That doesn’t mean …

November 2, 2014

When I started dating Hugh, my youth pastor ā€“ a longtime friend of Hugh’s ā€“ pulled me aside and felt he …

November 2, 2014

Hugh and I were going through the mail together when he held up an envelope and my heart nearly stopped. “Superior …

November 2, 2014

Having a difficult time getting your husband in the mood? Sometimes he simply needs a boost. A boost to his ego …

November 2, 2014

As women, we long to be pursued. We were made that way. It’s natural for us, then, as wives to want …

November 2, 2014

If I asked you “What makes your husband feel loved?” would you be able to tell me? As I interviewed hundreds …

November 2, 2014

I was once a wife who was quick to point out my husband’s faults. Quick to let him know when he …

November 2, 2014

Do you ever feel threatened by your husband’s dreams? As I was writing my book, When a Woman Inspires Her Husband, …

November 2, 2014

As I was writing my book, When a Woman Inspires Her Husband, I discovered that a man expresses his heart in …

November 2, 2014

I once heard a disgruntled wife say she thought Valentine’s Day was hypocritical. “Why can’t he just treat me that special …

November 2, 2014

Whether he's failing, in her eyes, to be the "spiritual head of the household" or just not appearing to want to take the lead in parenting, budgeting, or planning the family vacations, many wives believe their husbands are passive.

November 2, 2014

Young girls swoon today over the music, looks, and happenings of the popular British Boy Band, One Direction. But what if I told you that you could compete for that kind of influence in your daughter's life?

October 30, 2014

Our daughters watch us, look to us for what they need, and often imitate both our weaknesses and our strengths. So being aware of what they most need can help us focus on getting them through their teen and young adult years.

October 30, 2014

While going through my daughter's backpack when she was in second grade, I found a paper on which she had written her spelling words for the week. I was pleased to see an "A" for correct spelling and grammar.

October 30, 2014

For some children, it's obvious what their calling is. They come out of the womb, it seems, with big plans of what they want to accomplish with their lives. For most, however, it can be a mystery - a secret worth pulling out of them.

October 30, 2014

Every day that your daughter lives and breathes is a special day for the two of you to make a memory. But some memories the two of you make together will no doubt stand out more than others. Through the years, I've noticed that the special dates I planned with or for my daughter were among the memories she cherished the most.

October 30, 2014

Why do I have to feel so alone, God? I prayed. I can't live in this silence! Can't he come home once in a while and talk about how he feels? Or better yet, can't he come home and be willing to listen to how I feel? Where are his words of encouragement for me?

October 30, 2014

Early on in her marriage, Jennifer realized her struggle was not with her husband, but "against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms"

October 30, 2014

There are powerful stories in the Bible about women who were alone in worship. One of them was Hannah, the mother of Samuel. She knew well what it meant to worship alone, pray alone, and carry burdens on her heart alone.

October 30, 2014

If you're single and hoping for a spiritual partner in life, or married but not on the same page spiritually with your husband, chances are you feel you "walk alone" in your spiritual life. But you aren't alone. Throughout time, countless women have walked alone, spiritually. And you're in good company.

October 30, 2014

I knew I should be salt and light to a dying world. But I preferred to be around the Christian crowd, living a separated life far from those people who were so different from me. "I want to minister among Christian women," I told the Lord one day. "Preaching to pagans is not for me."

October 30, 2014

Jesus told us to forget ourselves and focus on a life given over to Him. "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake shall find it."

October 30, 2014

Can we meet some time and talk?” Heather asked as I was packing up my teaching materials after the Bible study. …

October 30, 2014

Jesus' advice in Matthew 6 was more practical than I realized. To store up treasures in heaven rather than in my home means I never have to worry that they'll break or be stolen or destroyed. And treasures in heaven will greet me someday when I arrive; my trinkets on earth will not.

October 30, 2014

I just want to go somewhere far away, I found myself thinking. I am not appreciated. I am not feeling respected or supported. I am not feeling understood or loved. (Now did you notice how many times I used the word "feeling" and how many times I used the pronoun I? We get that way when we're on the edge.)

October 30, 2014

Our heart is closely attuned to our bank balance, rather than our life's balance. Yet God instructs us in Colossians 3:1-2: "set your hearts on things above." If our priorities were in heaven, not on this earth, we would not only be happier and healthier, but less financially drained and emotionally spent.

October 30, 2014

We want that so much that it drives us to the edge when aspects of our life seem out of control. Now that we are living in a sin-stained world, life this side of heaven will never be completely under control, and working harmoniously.

October 30, 2014

Is God withholding something from your life? If so, it could be that He is preparing you for ministry - a ministry that will turn the bitter areas of your life into a blessing...What are you still waiting for God to bring about in your life?

October 30, 2014

God speaks in various ways by the Holy Spirit to those in relationship with Him ā€“ through His Word (the Bible), through prayer (and what He lays on our hearts to pray for), through circumstances in our life, and through the church (godly advice from believers).

October 30, 2014

How many times have you sensed a voice telling you to do something but you considered it a distraction? Maybe other times you've felt the inkling to do something, but brushed it off as silly or too elemental to be the voice of God.

October 30, 2014

“Why did I have to hurt like this?” It’s a question we often ask to try to make sense of God …

October 30, 2014

It may be easy for you to believe that God didn't care about you and that's why you've experienced pain in your life. But a closer examination of the Bible tells us that God is intimately acquainted with the events of our lives.

October 30, 2014

Hurtful times are opportunities to grow closer to God. Tell Him you're ready to see what He wants you to see and to know Him in the way that He desires. By doing this you are placing yourself in the position where He can teach you what He wants you to learn.

October 30, 2014

I remember waiting upon God for a second child and wondering if He was even there during that struggle. But now I realize - 20 years later and still no second child - that God knew what He was doing all along. He did hear my prayers. He did see my tears. And He had a better plan.

October 30, 2014

God not only sees your tears, but His Word says He collects them in a bottle (Psalm 56:8, NASB). He is mindful of all that is on our hearts and all He wants to do in our lives to bring about His desired purposes.

October 30, 2014

Whether I was trying to get a book published, trying to have a child, or trying to pry open a door of opportunity, every time I received a "no" I later learned what God was really saying was "Wait - I have something far better for you than you thought to ask for."

October 30, 2014

Sometimes...we don't feel God's love... We feel only the sting of an insult, the ache of loneliness, the pain of an unhealed wound. We feel rejection in relationships ā€“ or lack of them. And we feel the isolation that comes from longing for something more.

October 30, 2014
Worry-free woman

With tears in her eyes, Janie recounted the last thing her husband told her before she left the house for the weekend. ā€œHe said ā€˜When you figure out how I can meet all your emotional needs, let me know.ā€™ā€ His comment cut deep into her heart. And it still hurt.

October 30, 2014

Whether it be from the pain of rejection, the sting of betrayal, loneliness in your marriage, the ache of an addiction, or even the loss of a job or dream, we can begin sinking down into a dark, slimy pit and before long we're wondering if we'll ever be able to crawl back out.

October 30, 2014

As Valentineā€™s Day approaches, this is often a time when women find themselves longing for more. Whether your husband appears inattentive to your needs, your boyfriend appears uninterested, or you donā€™t have a man in your life at all, this is actually the time to celebrate what you do have.

October 30, 2014

Do you ever stumble upon something from years ago and find that it still touches you today? I recently found an oldĀ  …

October 28, 2014

I recently lay on my side in a dermatologist’s office as she cut a football-shaped incision into the back of my shoulder …

October 21, 2014

It’s probably the one question I hear women ask more than any other. It is likely the biggest area of frustration for …

October 14, 2014

Do you ever worry that you aren’t growing enough, spiritually? And should it be something you worry about? One of my …

October 7, 2014
Thankful in all things

When my friend sent me a text upon learning her husband was diagnosed with colon cancer, I was surprised — yet encouraged …

September 30, 2014

As I’ve grown older, I’ve made it a point to not waste a day worrying about something I can’t control. I wish …

September 23, 2014
Too much to do

Are you feeling today that there is just too much to do? I remember a time in my life when I felt …

September 16, 2014

You are not alone when you feel discouraged because it seems like God isn’t answering your prayers. Even if it appears that …

September 9, 2014

My daughter, Dana, turned 22 recently. She’s at the beginning of a life journey that I am more than half-way through. She …

September 2, 2014

I recently posted a devotional on the Proverbs 31 Ministries site and received about 900 comments from women, most of them with …

August 26, 2014
Questions Jesus asked

Why even pray if it seems like God’s not there? Do you ever find yourself thinking that? I know what it’s like …

August 19, 2014

This week my husband and I will celebrate 26 years of marriage. More than two decades ago, we told each other “I …

August 12, 2014

  This morning I have a special treat for you. I’d like to invite you to join me at Proverbs 31 Ministries …

August 5, 2014

My readers often ask me where I get the inspiration to write my books. Truth be told, God has to deal with …

July 29, 2014
unanswered prayers

I’m a firm believer that God knows exactly what He’s doing when He says “no” to our prayers, when He seems to …

July 22, 2014
When God Says No

Do you know what it’s like to ask God for something and to keep receiving a “no”? I do. Whether I was …

July 15, 2014

When life gets messy, it’s easy to get stressed. Or angry. Or bitter. But most of the time we’re in the middle …

July 8, 2014

Admit it, there are parts of the Bible that are difficult to digest. Certain words sting and can cause us to question …

July 1, 2014

You, too, may have heard it all your life. God is in complete control of everything. But, oh how that rubs when …

June 24, 2014
believing God for more

I’m sure you’ve heard some of these well-intentioned comments: “At least you have a husband.” “At least you already have a child.” …

June 17, 2014

Where is God in the story of your life? collecting your tears in a bottle (Psalm 56:8). recording every detail in His …

June 10, 2014

AreĀ  you tired of living on a battlefield? Does it seem like every time you turn around there’s an argument brewing? As …

June 3, 2014

Is your husband drawn to you like a magnet? That can be wonderful until you’re stumbling over him at every turn!Ā  My …

May 27, 2014
Questions God asks us

Do you find it difficult to say “no” when an opportunity comes your way or someone asks you to do something? Well, …

May 20, 2014

Have you ever been told your dream is unrealistic or too far-fetched? Has anyone ever implied that you have been shooting too …

May 13, 2014
Moms are chosen

I remember the days when I felt completely worthless as a mom. It was during my daughter’s teenage years when I was …

May 6, 2014
Living your dream

I remember feeling very discouraged that I would never be able to live my dream. My husband, a young Bible college graduate, …

April 29, 2014

Do you feel you can never achieve your dream because of your past mistakes? Whenever women tell me they don’t deserve to …

April 22, 2014

Did you love doing something as a child until someone else, perhaps unintentionally, killed that dream in your heart? Were you at …

April 15, 2014

Would you classify yourself as a dreamer? Or a realist? You can be both. But don’t cheat yourself out of dreaming. I …

April 10, 2014

Are you living out your dream? For years, when I would ask women that question, I would often get a blank stare …

April 8, 2014

Are you feeling dragged down by the negativity around you? Maybe it’s the critical comments you hear others making at work. Maybe …

April 1, 2014

Last week we looked at the first two (of five)Ā  things a mom never needs to worry about:Ā  her child’s friendships, and …

March 18, 2014

It happened. My daughter, a recent college graduate, Ā moved in to her apartment an hour away from home and started her first …

March 11, 2014

It happens to all of us at one time or another. You’re plugging along, doing just fine, and then it happens. Paralysis. …

March 4, 2014

My daughter was only 2 years old when she first verbally expressed love and understanding for her Daddy. Little Dana was watching …

February 18, 2014

I understand if you’re not looking forward to Valentine’s Day. If you’re single you might not want to be reminded that you’re …

February 11, 2014

I celebrated my 49th birthday this week. Notice I said “celebrated”– not “shrugged at.” Ok, originally, my thought was that 49 doesn’t …

January 28, 2014

Are you raising a child in a spiritually mismatched marriage? My friend, Lynn Donovan,Ā  shares some powerful encouragement as my guest blogger …

January 21, 2014

Are you in a place where you are second-guessing God? How often we go to the Creator and Sustainer of Life and …

January 14, 2014

Have you ever found yourself wondering Why doesn’t God speak to me? Many of us talk to the Lord and just want …

January 7, 2014

Do you have a plan for growing spiritually in the next 12 months? I had to start making a plan every January …

December 31, 2013

Wouldn’t it be nice if life consisted only of pleasant surprises, not the disappointing ones? The other day I received news that …

December 23, 2013
Moms of sons and daughters

Do you ever feel desperate when it comes to parenting? Rhonda and I know how you feel. We each have had our …

December 9, 2013

Are you ready to hear God’s whispers on your heart? Chances are He is already whispering. You and I just need to …

December 3, 2013

These are hard times. Iā€™m reminded of it every time I have to put gas in my car, or the grocery bill …

November 26, 2013

My husband and I were reflecting recently about the ways people can let us down and even the way we let each …

November 19, 2013

My husband and I were reflecting recently about the ways people can let us down and even the way we let each …

November 19, 2013

Have you ever wondered how to inspire your husband and draw his heart closer to yours? Do you ever feel like you …

November 12, 2013

Hugh and I recently spent an afternoon with Dr. James Dobson. He had invited us to his Family Talk offices and radio …

November 5, 2013

Try This Remedy When Youā€™re Running on Empty If youā€™re like most women, chances are you often feel like youā€™re running on empty. And the problem is that chocolate, bubble baths, a shopping trip to the mall, or a long massage are only temporary ā€˜fixes.ā€™

October 29, 2013

Ever wonder why moms and daughters tend to clash? If they’re alike they can butt heads. If they’re different,Ā  they can misunderstand …

October 29, 2013

Ever wonder why moms and daughters tend to clash? If they’re alike they can butt heads. If they’re different,Ā  they can misunderstand …

October 29, 2013

At the conclusion of nearly every radio interview I’ve done thus far on the topic of my newest book, When a Mom …

October 22, 2013

I received an email from a reader that broke my heart. She has been betrayed multiple times in her marriage and asked …

October 15, 2013

Some children come out of the womb, it seems, with big plans of what they want to accomplish with their lives. For …

October 8, 2013

As I surveyed daughters, ages 15-45 for my book, When a Mom Inspires Her Daughter, Ā I found that, overall, a daughter needs …

October 1, 2013

Are you struggling with motivation today? Is it taking all youā€™ve got to just face whatā€™s on your to-do list? I remember waking up one morning and thinking ā€œI donā€™t feel like getting out of bed. I donā€™t feel like doing all that I have to do today.

September 29, 2013

Ā Ā Ā  While going through my daughter’s backpack when she was in the second grade, I found a paper on which she had …

September 24, 2013

A mom starts out as the single most influential voice in her daughter’s life. Until the day her daughter might decide to …

September 17, 2013

After sharing with you last week what I’ve learned from my daughter in 21 years of parenting her, I asked many of …

September 10, 2013

My daughter, Dana, turned 21 on Sunday. Could it really have been that long since I heard her piercing scream and was …

September 3, 2013

The problem is we can be as stressed and busy as we let ourselves become. Most of the time stress rears its ugly head in my life when Iā€™ve taken on too many commitments that are not within the realm of my dream and purpose.

August 29, 2013

Have you ever asked if it was time to let go of your marriage? After writing a post on what I’ve learned …

August 27, 2013

Today is my 25th wedding anniversary.Ā  And after 25 years with the same man, IĀ  can honestly say that marriage is one …

August 13, 2013
is that open door from God?

Are you struggling to know if an open door is from God? Just because an opportunity presents itself, doesn’t necessarily mean it …

August 6, 2013

Are you willing to walk through that open door? Life is full of uncertainty.Ā  But life is also full of doors that …

July 30, 2013

My daughter, Dana, Ā recently returned from Kosovo, a 5-year-old European country just above Greece, where the sentiment for America is strong. But …

July 24, 2013

A mother of three young children, who works part-time, Ā told me this past week that she wrestles with guilt feelings that she’s …

July 16, 2013

These are stressful times we live in. But that doesn’t mean we have to fall apart as a result. Everywhere I turn …

July 9, 2013

Do you ever have one of those moments when a truthĀ  stops you dead in your tracks and makes you think Wow….I …

July 2, 2013

I know how you feel. Life seems to be going in a million different directions. There are so many things for you to do in so little time. Kids are pulling at you or your job is pushing you. I, too, know what itā€™s like to feel like youā€™re running on empty.

June 30, 2013

Yesterday morning I interviewed a woman for my upcoming book, When God Sees Your Tears. Amanda is one who has experienced many …

June 25, 2013

Do you ever feel that God is ignoring you? I’ve had quite a few emails lately from women asking me why God …

June 18, 2013
Emotions Jesus expressed

After my post last week — reminding you that you have a Father in Heaven who invites you to call Him “Daddy” …

June 11, 2013

Every year around Father’s Day I get emails from women about their fathers.Ā  They felt either abandonment, rejection, abuse, or indifference from …

June 5, 2013

A woman named Peggy recently wrote and said: “I would like to knowĀ  how to keep my focus on God and walk …

May 28, 2013

We all know of people who claim to be followers of Christ but don’t seem to live it. And you’re not alone …

May 20, 2013

Do you ever wonder if you and your family members are susceptible to certain sins because they seem to repeat themselves in …

May 14, 2013

Would you say your relationship with your Mom is as good as the relationship you have — or hope to have — …

May 6, 2013

In my weekly blog series on “Answering Life’s Tough Questions,” Charity asked: How do you let go of the fear and …

April 29, 2013

Do you ever wonder about your purpose, especially when life is not going according to plan? Jeannette emailed me recently and said: …

April 22, 2013

A married mom of two daughters, ages 2 and 6 months, asked me for advice on those days when she has a …

April 15, 2013

ā€œI discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should.ā€ (First Corinthians 9:27) Believe it or not, one …

April 8, 2013

Have you noticed how draining negativity can be? That’s why it’s important for you to keep positive…by keeping positive people around you. …

April 1, 2013

Do you ever feel like giving up? I know I do. But that is usually when I’m focused on my feelings, …

March 25, 2013
juggling it all

Call it my “dysfunction” but I used to try to please everyone around me. Life is less stressful, I thought, if everyone …

March 18, 2013

Ever have one of those mini-vacations where you take a couple days to sit by the hotel pool, or enjoy a stay …

March 11, 2013

I’d like to say that every morning at the crack of dawn I am assuming this position (at left) and starting my …

March 4, 2013

Are you struggling with motivation today? Is it taking all youā€™ve got to just face whatā€™s on your to-do list? Whether you’re …

February 25, 2013
destress this spring

I know how you feel. Life seems to be going in a million different directions. There are so many things for you …

February 19, 2013

As Valentine’s Day approaches, are you sensing the hesitancy? Are you tired of looking through cards that don’t reflect what your dating …

February 11, 2013

If God called us to live safe, manageable lives, and to do only what we could in our own power, then we …

February 4, 2013

I believe God’s specific calling on your life can be closely related to a dream you’ve always had. That’s because when God …

January 28, 2013

If you struggle with wondering what your purpose or calling is, think about ways you can put God on display. Ephesians 2:10 …

January 21, 2013

As you face a new year, can you confidently say you are living out God’s calling on your life? Or can you …

January 7, 2013

Among my Jazzercise friends, the saying in JanuaryĀ  is “Happy New Rear!” It’s our way of affirming to each other our fitness …

December 31, 2012

I’ve never had more of a potential for stress than this holiday season. Since I put off my November 1st book deadline …

December 17, 2012
Psalms of strength

It’s natural for us to feel like we’re running on empty as the holidays approach. I remember waking up one morning, about …

December 10, 2012

As the holidays approach, you might already be feeling like a woman on the edge. We can feel edgy because there’s much …

December 3, 2012

Are you one of those women who gets stressed out at Christmastime? If so, you’re not alone. But regardless of the reasons …

November 26, 2012

I got to thinking about how Thanksgiving might be much more meaningful this year if I focused on thanking God for the …

November 19, 2012

Do you ever feel that you’re not doing enough to please God? I recently asked a group of women how their spiritual …

November 12, 2012

There are two kinds of women in this world: Those who have been hurt and continue to feel hurt,Ā  and those who …

November 5, 2012
believing God for more

Ā Women ask me, on a regular basis, “How can I know God’s will for me?” I love when they ask that question, …

October 29, 2012

Ā Women ask me, on a regular basis, “How can I know God’s will for me?” I love when they ask that question, …

October 29, 2012

Are you struggling with how to forgive your offender? After 20 years of counseling women, I’ve discovered the main reason a woman …

October 22, 2012

Having faced rejection from an abusive father, abandonment from an abusive husband, and then betrayal by a boyfriend she thought was the …

October 15, 2012

Having faced rejection from an abusive father, abandonment from an abusive husband, and then betrayal by a boyfriend she thought was the …

October 15, 2012

I tend to be a control freak. I don’t mean to be. It just happens. I want things my way and in …

October 8, 2012

I tend to be a control freak. I don’t mean to be. It just happens. I want things my way and in …

October 8, 2012

Do you see yourself according to how your past mistakes have defined you? Do you find yourself believing that you will always …

October 1, 2012
live your story

Are you one of those people who believes you’ve done something that God could never forgive? It took my friend, Jean, about …

September 24, 2012

Are you one of those people who believes you’ve done something that God could never forgive? It took my friend, Jean, about …

September 24, 2012
Where is God anyway?

I’ve heard many women, through the years, tell me their story of pain and frustration and ask “Where was God, anyway?” “How …

September 17, 2012

Have you ever found yourselfĀ  askingĀ Why did I have to hurt like this? It’s a question Sharon has often asked, while trying …

September 10, 2012

Listen to Cindi’s recent interview on “The Debbie Chavez Show.” Cindi shares how to uproot faulty thinking, so you can move from …

September 5, 2012

If you’ve ever found yourself saying “This wasn’t supposed to happen” I know how you feel. I heard myself saying that at …

September 3, 2012

When I started writing my eleventh book, When a Woman Overcomes Life’s Hurts, I figured I’dĀ overcome most of the baggage from my …

August 26, 2012
Cindi | Strength for the Soul