Coaching Services:
Are you ready to write or publish your book or start speaking publicly? Cindi can help.
Are you ready to write or publish your book or start speaking publicly? Cindi can help.
Be challenged and motivated in your walk with God by following and reading Cindi’s blog.
Grow deeper with God, improve your relationships, fall in love with Jesus — all in Cindi‘s books.
See transformation in women’s lives when you bring Cindi to speak for your group.
Cindi has helped more than 50 writers become published authors of books or articles over the past several years. She can help you organize your ideas, come up with a working outline, write and polish your proposal or manuscript, and guide you toward publishing options. Whether you want to self-publish or attract a traditional royalties-paying publisher, Cindi can help.
Are you wondering how to recapture your husband’s heart? In my ongoing blog series “Questions Women Ask,” one reader wrote: “I want to restore my marriage to greater than before. This is a second marriage for the both of us and we have a lot of things fighting against us — ex-spouses, children, and other things the enemy uses against us. How can I win back my husband’s heart & …
Do you ever feel like your pastor is blowing you off? Maybe you just feel like he doesn’t greet you or treat …
Do you ever feel like you’re losing your son? Here is a question I received recently in my ongoing blog series on …
What does a wife do when her husband cheats? That was the most frequently asked question I received last week since …
Copyright Strength for the Soul, 2018