Do you find it difficult to say “no” when an opportunity comes your way or someone asks you to do something?
Well, you can’t live your dream if you’re continuing to rescue one situation after another. By knowing where your “yes” is, you can more easily say “no” to the things that might actually be distracting you from living the dream God has placed on your heart.
Here are three questions to ask, from When a Woman Discovers Her Dream, that will help you recognize what you’re being called to do, as opposed to something you’re trying to rescue:
1. Is this something someone else can just as easily do? If so, then maybe you’re not necessarily being uniquely called to do it. All through our Christian lives, we will see opportunities to fulfill needs, and should help do so if we are able, along with fellow believers. Serving others should be a part of our lives, but such service won’t necessarily be the same as a special calling. Save your “yes” for something you know that only you can do.
2. Is this something I have a strong heart’s desire to do? God generally calls us to a task we would enjoy doing, or that matches some of our natural abilities or areas of spiritual giftedness. And He’ll often call us toward something that for awhile has been burning on our heart. (Now, sometimes God calls us to a task we are scared to do because we don’t feel capable. But that’s because He wants to accomplish it through us. The initial excitement of it should still be present in your heart.)
3. Is this something I feel God prodding me to do? Sometimes that conviction in our hearts simply won’t go away — the need is very apparent, and no one else is stepping forward to meet it. When that happens, lift the matter to the Lord in prayer. If the burden persists, then it may be God’s special calling.
When you can take these questions to the Lord and say, “God, please confirm to me if I am the one to do this” and then wait for His answer, you can be more certain that you are called to a specific task or ministry and you can have greater assurance that you are stepping into your dream.
What is one thing that only you can do? I’d love to hear about it.
I find it extremely hard to discern between the proddings of the Holy Spirit and my own thoughts and desires. How does a person know “clear as can be” the guiding steps of God. I am a compassionate person, and there is where the “discernment issues lie! Is it God dealing with me or just my compassionate heart?
I understand your dilemma, Ruth. I think all women do. Because we were created to be “helpers” (Genesis 2:18) we can tend to jump in and help any time we see something that needs to be done. I have found Philippians 4:6 to be a good guideline to help me pray about things before jumping in or committing. That verse tells us to be “anxious about nothing” (because we can tend to worry about someone or a situation if nothing’s being done), and instead, pray about everything” and the peace of God that passes understanding will guard our hearts and minds. When it comes to an opportunity to serve, if we pray about it first, before committing, and we find the prodding continues, it is likely that God is directing us toward it, and once we commit, we find the peace. But if we pray about it and while waiting for an answer the peace comes, it’s likely God wants us to wait on that and be available for something else. I’ve also found that if we jump in to help someone before bringing it to God first, we are sometimes interfering with the work that God wants to do in an individual’s soul that He can only do when they are depending on God alone, not us. I hope that makes sense. : )
Hmmm…okay, this is interesting. I thought I was very clear about the direction of my dreams, and living them. But now questioning that…my interests are not something “only I can do”. They are easily done by others but they are a strong hearts desire for me. Hmmm…your response to Ruth is very interesting as well. Oh Cindi, I love how you stretch me! I haven’t read “When a Woman discovers Her Dream”, because I thought I was already there. But now I think I should! Need to pray on this:-)
Chery, thank you for really thinking this through, critically. When I say your dream is something “only you can do” I mean that only you can do it in the unique way that you do and in the way God has called you to do it. For instance, I am an author and speaker, but I’m not the “only one” who can write and speak. However, God has given me a unique message and it’s not something just anyone can step in and write or speak for me. There are specifics He has called me to write and speak about within an arena in which many women are also writing and speaking. So…even if someone else is doing what it is you love to do that doesn’t mean it’s not your dream. It may mean that you are uniquely living out the purposes God has given you in the WAY that ONLY YOU can. Is that clearer? : )
Yes, okay, got it, thank you! I’ve been very prayerful this afternoon and He, in all His goodness, has impressed the same thing on my heart. Of course He has given many the same dreams/gifts/talents, but, He also gives us the ability of serving with them according to our uniqueness…as you say:-)
Love you, sister. Keep living your dream. : )