On Sunday afternoon I was walking a neighborhood trail and enjoying the beauty of the sunshine, the clear blue skies, and the bright colors of God’s creation when it occurred to me I could be killed a lot quicker by something other than the Coronavirus!
As I stepped across a rain gutter to take a picture of some beautiful bright fuchsia flowers, I began singing an old hymn:
“This is my Father’s world, and to my listening ears all nature sings and round me rings…” but it wasn’t “the music of the spheres” that was ringing in my ears at that moment. It was the unnerving sound of a rattling. (I actually thought it sounded like someone raking leaves on a sidewalk.)
I turned toward the noise and saw directly behind me a red diamondback rattlesnake, coiled and ready to strike!
I quickly stepped away from the gutter and maintained at least a “six-foot distance” when I realized what could’ve easily happened. What if I had stepped into the gutter (and not over it) and stepped right onto that snake?” I snapped a pic of the snake and sent it to my husband who alerted the other city rangers that a rattler was spotted on the trail near the homes. (Here is the actual pic below.)

During the rest of my walk, I thought about the life application of that incident because that’s what my writer’s mind does — it looks for the parallels and spiritual lessons everywhere. Just as I was praising God — by singing that hymn as I sought to shoot a pic of the flowers — a snake was ready to strike. And that’s often what our enemy does. He wants to take us out when we’re giving glory to God. He doesn’t want us praising God and if he can strike at us while we’re up he can shove us back down again.
Maybe during this time of “sheltering-in-place” you feel struck down just as you are beginning to look up. Maybe each time you get your hopes up, you’re disappointed. Perhaps it’s difficult to find hope at all. But, that’s a great time to remember the third verse of that old hymn:
“This is my Father’s world, O let me ne’er forget that though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the Ruler yet. This is my Father’s world: Why should my heart be sad? The Lord is King: let the heavens ring! God reigns: let earth be glad.”
I also thought of the third verse of another old hymn about our God who is a mighty fortress:
“And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us, we will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us: The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him; his rage we can endure, for lo, his doom is sure; one little word shall fell him.”
Scripture tells us our enemy who seeks to strike is not nearly as powerful as our God who protects us. Although it looked like a close call with that rattlesnake, my protection was evident once again. (That wasn’t the first time I’ve come upon a rattler because I wasn’t watching where I was walking!) Praising our Maker is our best weapon of defense. Praise doesn’t bring on the attack, I tend to think it protects us within it.
When you hear the rattle of Satan’s attempts to take you out, remember “Greater is He who is in you (Jesus) than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4) and “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31). As the song says, “one little word will fell him” and that “one little word” is the powerful name of Jesus.
Keep praising Him, in season and out, my sister. (Just be careful where you step. It’s not only Springtime, but In California and other dry places, it’s also rattlesnake season.)
For the next three days, you can still get a copy of Women on the Edge and Drama Free for only $5 each (plus shipping) in my website store. Sale ends May 1.
I’ve faced death several times in my life. Each time makes me realize that God still wants me here for a reason.
Gail, I’m pretty sure He’s not done with you on this earth yet, either. Thanks for sharing and keep living the adventure of faith and telling your story. 🙂
Thank you, Cindi,
Great reminders of God’s faithful love and protection…it’s easy to focus on the storm at times, and not see Jesus standing and ready to lift you by the hand out of the waves. Praising God for keeping you safe !
Thank you, Clarissa, for that beautiful word picture of our Lord who pulls us up, rather than strikes us down or lets us sink. Blessings to you.
Wow! I am so glad you didn’t step on that snake. Yes, I will keep praising Him and be careful where I step. Have a blessed week! 🙂
Lol. Thank you, Melissa. I’m sure I glad I didn’t step on it, too. I’ve been extra careful these past few days on my walks, alert and not looking at my phone or taking pics, just to make sure I don’t do something like that again. Blessings to you this week, as well.
Thank you for the timely encouraging message, I am not battling fear of the Coronavirus, I do realize that the enemy is always ready to strike & this is the battle that I have been struggling within a relationship with my daughter after almost 5 years. I am still in the battle, become easily frustrated & feel defeated at times. This is the time that God has already won the battle on the Cross & that he already has this battle won for me, this is the time I need continued prayer & wisdom to be patience & that it is his ways, not mine. Kim
Hi Kim,
Thank you for your comment. I will be running a special beginning May 1 (and on my next week’s blog) for my book, When a Mom Inspires Her Daughter, that I’m praying will be helpful in growing your relationship with your daughter. As our daughters age their relationship with their mothers becomes more volatile and I’ve learned through personal experience that I must do all I can to affirm and encourage my own daughter throughout her lifetime. Watch for that Mother’s Day special. I think that book will really help you. Blessings…
Thank you dear Cindi. Those words from your heart are so powerful, so full of truth and honouring to the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you dear kindred sister in Christ.
You’re welcome, Barbie. Thank you for your encouraging response. 🙂
GREAT story and reminder Cindi. Love this post and am glad you are okay. ❤️😘
Thanks, Deb. As always, great to hear from you, my friend. 🙂
Cindi- thank you for this testimony and great word from the Lord! It was just what I needed today! Please pray for a wayward adult daughter- raised in a Christian home but has chosen to go different. We are believing for God to save and deliver her. But sometimes the seen is hard to look past.🙏
Jen, I’m sorry for how your heart is hurting for your daughter. God sees your tears and He loves your daughter even more than you do! Praying for her return to the Lord and for your continued faith.
My goodness gracious Cindi, thank goodness that serpent didn’t strike you!!! But thence, why should it? You are a daughter of the Most High Almighty God!!! The snake knew better than that!! 😉😂😂 I’m not sure what Sister Kim is going through but my daughter doesn’t speak to me. It’s been around five years as well. I’m very saddened and angered by this. So I ask you for your prayers, thank you Sister! God bless you Cindi! Your Sister in Christ Jesus, Diana
I’m sorry, Diana, for what has transpired between you and your daughter. Love her like God does…and I am praying that love will bring her heart around to both God and you.
So glad you are so protected.
I am too, Sherry. Hope you’re doing well. Always great to hear from you. 🙂
You are more blessed than you thought: a coiled rattlesnake can strike a distance of 2 times its length….. Long ago my husband was squatted, trying to determine what kind of snake was coiled right in front of him. I saw it and immediately warned that the snake could strike several times it’s length. My comment saved him as he turned his head to look at me and that snake flew by his head missing its intended bite……
Oh how frightening that must have been, for both of you! But wonderful that you experienced God’s protection in the midst of an actual strike! Glad he’s okay. Thanks, Kathleen.
Thanking the Lord for you Cindi, as the other post it shows the Lord’s Protection Is always Around us, amen, especially I feel as we Trust Jesus daily as you do of course; I’m so Thankful for His full Armor Eph 6, I pray every day, just dealing with the public or Out & about, Love you from Atl, Elizabeth
Thank you, Elizabeth, for reminding us of the armor in Ephesians 6. Some days I’m done with this whole quarantine and other days I hear of someone who got the virus and how absolutely horrible it was and then I’m thanking God for my health again. Be well.
Sister-Friend, glad you’re safe and wow what a true thing…right in the midst of our praise, the attack to distract. This was us yesterday. We submitted it to Him, sought godly counsel and His peace reigned once again with more praise.