Coaching Services:
Are you ready to write or publish your book or start speaking publicly? Cindi can help.
Are you ready to write or publish your book or start speaking publicly? Cindi can help.
Be challenged and motivated in your walk with God by following and reading Cindi’s blog.
Grow deeper with God, improve your relationships, fall in love with Jesus — all in Cindi‘s books.
See transformation in women’s lives when you bring Cindi to speak for your group.
Cindi has helped more than 50 writers become published authors of books or articles over the past several years. She can help you organize your ideas, come up with a working outline, write and polish your proposal or manuscript, and guide you toward publishing options. Whether you want to self-publish or attract a traditional royalties-paying publisher, Cindi can help.
If God called us to live safe, manageable lives, and to do only what we could in our own power, then we wouldn’t really need Him. He often calls us to do something extraordinary that we couldn’t do without Him. Yet, sometimes we settle…for just what we think we can do. And our dreams stay small. Years ago my prayer became “Don’t let me limit myself to just what I …
I believe God’s specific calling on your life can be closely related to a dream you’ve always had. That’s because when God …
If you struggle with wondering what your purpose or calling is, think about ways you can put God on display. Ephesians 2:10 …
As you face a new year, can you confidently say you are living out God’s calling on your life? Or can you …
Copyright Strength for the Soul, 2018