Don’t you wish you had an attitude of gratitude every day, and not just at Thanksgiving? I know I do. But sometimes it feels so good to just vent about …
Don’t you wish you had an attitude of gratitude every day, and not just at Thanksgiving? I know I do. But sometimes it feels so good to just vent about …
Do you feel like God is ignoring you because others around you are enjoying God’s blessing and it looks like you’re being left out in the cold?It’s easy to jump …
Do you sometimes cower at your circumstances, wondering why your faith isn’t up for the task?How much faith we have is directly proportionate to how much faith we practice…or exercise. …
Faith is like a muscle in our bodies. We are given all we will ever need at the point of our salvation. But, if we don’t often use or exercise …
Copyright Strength for the Soul, 2018