I believe God’s specific calling on your life can be closely related to a dream you’ve always had. That’s because when God has a dream for His daughter, He often …
I believe God’s specific calling on your life can be closely related to a dream you’ve always had. That’s because when God has a dream for His daughter, He often …
If you struggle with wondering what your purpose or calling is, think about ways you can put God on display. Ephesians 2:10 says “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has …
As you face a new year, can you confidently say you are living out God’s calling on your life? Or can you at least say you are moving toward living …
Among my Jazzercise friends, the saying in January is “Happy New Rear!” It’s our way of affirming to each other our fitness goals for the year ahead. By the end …
Copyright Strength for the Soul, 2018