Do you ever just want to start over?
It’s a good thing that the God of Heaven is a God of fresh starts and new beginnings. He must have known we’d need fresh starts so He provided us with ample opportunities for new beginnings.
With each new day we have a reminder that we can try again, get another chance, make a clean start. And with each new month we can recommit ourselves to God anew with a prayer for a fresh start.
If you’ve made bad choices, thought wrong thoughts, done stupid things, or said careless words, you can pray for a fresh start this month. If you’ve missed some divine appointments, messed up some relationships, or just want to live more fully for Him, you can renew your heart with every new month. Here is a prayer for a fresh start in February:
Lord God, Creator of all things. Thank You, that You have the ability – and the desire – to wipe my slate clean. Thank You that forgiveness is there for the asking and You are the God of restoration, and new beginnings. Your Word says, “Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new” (2 Corinthians 5:17 CEV). That doesn’t just mean I become “new” when I initially come to Christ and surrender my life to Him. It means I can have a new beginning every day – every time that I see the need to start over. Every time I want to make it right with You again.
I praise You for the privilege to “come boldly to the throne of grace, that [I] may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16). I thank You for the promise in Scripture that if I ask anything according to Your will, You hear me. And if I know You hear me in whatever I ask, I know I have what I have requested of You (1 John 5:14-15). Lord, I ask, in Your name, that You forgive me for the times I’ve crowded You off the throne of my life and sought to be the ruler of my decisions and will. Forgive me for my desire to control, for my lack of faith that You are sovereign over every event under heaven, and for my sin that has grieved Your heart.
Thank You for seeing that I am human, I still sin. Even though I love You and set out to do what’s right, I still mess things up at times. That is why I need a Savior. That is why I need You, my Savior. I praise You that a new start awaits me every time I ask You for it. As David prayed in Psalm 51 (after a disastrous series of events): “God, make a fresh start in me. Shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life… Bring me back from gray exile, put a fresh wind in my sails” (verses 10-12, The Message).
Thank You, Lord, that just as You gave King David a fresh start after messing up big time (committing adultery and then murdering one of His “mighty men” to cover up his sin), You can show mercy to me as well, no matter where I’ve been and what I’ve done.
“Search me, God, and know my heart; Put me to the test and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there is any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way” (Psalm 139:23-24 NASB). Lord, as this is a new month, make everything about me new. Everything. My mind– to think pure thoughts. My body – to live purely from day to day. My mouth – to speak words that heal, not wound. My heart – to seek after a path that is straight and right.
Thank You, that in Your mercy, and in Your righteousness, You have “removed our rebellious acts as far away from us as the east is from the west” (Psalm 103:12 NLT). Hurl my sins further than the California Coast is to the Jersey shore. From years past into a million years hence. I praise You that “As far as sunrise is from sunset, [You have] separated us from our sins” (MSG). With regrets behind me, put me on a new road, toward a new direction, into a brand new month, with a fresh new start.
Will you pray this prayer with me and start anew in February? Let me know in the comment section below so I can be praying for you, too.
For more prayers like this, see my devotional book, God’s Whispers to a Woman’s Heart.
I really appreciate this prayer. I am in extreme need of a new start for many reasons. Surgeries, healing, medical PTSD, severe post pardom depression, homeschooling, ECT. May this help me to glorify God day to day instead of wondering “When will this just stop, Lord?” And, “God, I have had enough!” Thank you for your words of wisdom. I appreciate you. Blessings, Mel
Thank you, Mel, for your comment. Lord, give Mel a fresh start this month and draw her closer to You in spite of her pain. Bring her healing, comfort, and a keener sense of Your loving presence. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
I really appreciate this prayer and it has come at a perfect time of need. I’m having surgery in March and my life in other areas is not so good as well. Please help me find peace, and put me on a right path. Thank you lord.
Lord, hear her prayers and give her the peace of knowing You have her life in Your very capable hands and all her days were numbered before there were any of them (Psalm 139). Give her the confidence that nothing touches her body that hasn’t first passed through Your loving hands. Keep her in perfect peace with a deepening trust in You. Amen.
Thank you!!!
I will re share this prayer.
You’re welcome, Sarah. Thank you for sharing it.
Dear Cindi,
Thank you for your beautiful prayer, which I need so much just now. God’s timing through your wonderful words has lifted me up and made me feel refreshed to begin each day anew! I look forward to more of your inspirational devotionals and prayers, and may
God continue to bless you with your wonderful gifts!
Most sincerely, Linda
Thank you so much for your sweet words of encouragement, Linda. May God pour into you as you have poured into me today through your kindness.
Thank you Cindi for this prayer! I am going through a divorce after 20 years of marriage and need the Lord more than ever to help me heal. Your words of wisdom are soothing to my broken life. I am scared but hopeful for the Lord to make a fresh start in me from the inside out. Blessings, Lorraine
Lorraine, your precious Savior understands your fears and anxieties. But He also walked this road before you and I am convinced He will be there with you every step of the way as you continue to surrender your desire and preferences to Him. His ways are always so much better than ours (Isaiah 55:8-11). “LORD, hold Lorraine in Your loving, capable hands right now. Sing over her as she sleeps (Zephaniah 3:17). Bring her comfort in the night and guide her steps by day. May she sense Your presence through every step of this road she is traveling. And may You lead her to Your desired destination for her. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Yeeessss and Amen, Amen, Amen! I’m so grateful for the fresh start each day, and even throughout the day. Daily, I’m surrendering the plans I have set out for myself and my family… trying not to hold too tightly because of the constant changes. And trying to not let the changes keep me in a state of bananas and just adjust…the line, “clean cup, clean cup, move down, move down.” Comes to mind. And I exhale and breathe, pray….and move down.
Ah yes, Connie, the reminder to “move down” from the throne of our lives so our Savior can rightfully reclaim that spot. Oh if we could all so easily heed that instruction when it comes to us in the quiet of our hearts. Thank you for sharing your thoughts of how to get rid of more of us and gain more of Him…a clean full cup of His Spirit’s filling, leading and control. Blessings on your day, dear friend.
pray with me and thank you for send me the messege
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Thank you, Cindi, for perfect timing sharing your prayer! Thank you for reminding me that I can be forgiven and given another chance.
The stress that has been in overtime around here, and how I have handled it, sure needs His forgiveness!
Linda, isn’t is wonderful that He understands when we mess up and His grace is never in short supply. Thank you for your response and my prayers are with you today that you sense His presence and calm. He is the Answer to all things anxiety-related. He is Peace that Passes Understanding. 🙂
Such a joy to pray in unity for fresh beginnings.
Our precious Lord is making all things new–including us.
Grace and peace in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Joni, for sharing in the joy of praying for new beginnings. I appreciate your ministry of prayer.
Oh Cindi, I most definitely prayed this prayer. And it may very well be one I pray daily for a time. Thank you, dear one. God has, indeed, blessed you with the ability to speak His heart to us.
Oh, thank you so much for your encouraging response. I’m grateful the Lord used that prayer in your life…today and in the days to come.
Thank you Cindi for bringing words of wisdom to me. I stumbled upon your website in one of my emails and you have brought a fresh perspective to me. I recently retired and am having some health issues and have been consumed with anxiety. Your many articles on prayer have helped me immensley. Thank you for providing this ministry. God Bless you.
Deb, I’m so glad you have been helped by my articles on Crosswalk and have found my site. My prayer for you today is that God’s peace that passes understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus, regardless of what is going on with your health. He knows all things, He is the Gentle Healer, and He will get you through as you keep your eyes on Him. “Keep her in perfect peace, Lord Jesus. Amen.”
Thank you very much for inspiring me .i appreciate you alot.God bless you for your everyday grateful🙏
Thank you, Doris, for your encouraging response. I am grateful for you, too.
Thanks so much for this wonderful prayer. I have so many concerns at this moment; living in constant pain physically and emotionally, anxiety over what my future will be if my husband and I separate as our marriage has been troubled for years, trying to update my skills to re-enter the workforce, and finding my way back to church where my husband is the pastor…I could go on but will end here. I anxiously solicit your prayers.
The wayward First Lady
Sheila Allen
Oh Sheila, my heart goes out to you. Forgiveness and a fresh start in the name of Jesus is available to anyone, pastor’s wife or not.
“Lord God, grant my sister, Sheila, Your peace and rest as so many aspects of her future are unknown to her but clearly known by You. Thank YOu that nothing in her life takes You by surprise. You know it all, see it all, and can guide her through it all. You know her heart. Lord, may she sense Your presence in a mighty way and find in You the confidence to live like a loved child of God as she seeks Your will in all things. Surround her with sisters in Christ who love her and will extend grace toward her and help her through this difficult time. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Thank you. I just started the journey of praying the last day of each month, and first day of each month. No need to reinvent the wheel. I found your website and the prayers are what I would pray. I appreciate it so much.
You’re welcome. It’s good to know these prayers are giving you a place to start.:)
I really like the idea of fresh starts! It reminds me that God gives us new chances every day. When I make mistakes, it’s good to know I can pray and start over. I’m going to try praying for a fresh start this month too! Thanks for sharing this beautiful prayer that helps us talk to God when we need a clean slate. 😊
You’re welcome. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment. 🙂