Wouldn’t it be nice if having a relationship with God meant never having to worry about money again?
Actually, that’s possible. But not because God fills our bank account with money when we surrender our lives to Him. Like with every aspect of our lives, God wants a relationship with us in which we are dependent on Him and trusting Him with all that we have. He wants us to keep Him as our God, not what we have or what we’d like to have.
My husband and I have lived on a small church pastor’s salary for nearly 30 years – including a few years in which my husband was on an unpaid sabbatical and supported our family on a couple of minimum-wage paying jobs. I can honestly tell you that God has always provided everything we have needed and so much of what we’ve wanted, too, out of His sheer grace.
Based on three decades of seeing God come through for my family financially, here are just four ways to trust God when money is tight:
- Realize it’s not about the money.
I’m convinced that our financial stability depends on how much we trust God rather than on how much we make. It’s really not about the money, how hard you work, and how wisely you’ve invested. Our financial situation is almost always about trust.
I used to get a little disillusioned during my college years, thinking If God owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10) why is it that I can’t even afford a hamburger? I’ve learned since then that it isn’t about whether God has the money and can help us. It’s about what He wants to do in and through us as we rely on Him for what we need. God can take whatever financial situation you’re in and build into you character, hope, and a future. See every financial struggle as an opportunity to trust Him more and a doorway through which you can discover God’s grace, provision, and fatherly love.
2. Trust Him with today.
It’s easy to look ahead at the month and estimate how much you’ll need to pay your bills and then stress about the shortfall. But Jesus must have known we’d have a tendency to do that. He told His followers to look around and see how God provides food for the birds, and clothing for the lilies of the field. Then He told them “if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?” (Matthew 6:30).
Jesus summed up His teaching by saying “don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need” (verses 31-33).
Jesus was giving them – and us – a formula for trusting Him daily for our provision, and not stressing about money by worrying about tomorrow.
3. Remember how rich you really are.
God owns it all…which makes us (His children by faith in Christ) heirs of all He has (Galatians 3:29). While we might not feel that we have much on this earth, we can read Ephesians 1:3-14 and be reminded again of what is ours in the heavenly realm. As you look at what God gives you through salvation, you can be encouraged at what is yours today, not just some day in heaven.
Think about it: If God can take care of our eternal life, by providing His beloved Son for our salvation, then certainly He can take care of our everyday life, including whatever financial needs we have. Read Ephesians 1 – daily if you have to – and remember what is yours in Christ. It will give you a different perspective and it may cause you to thank Him more than ask Him, when it comes to your financial needs.
4. Release it back to God
We are managers, not owners of the money God has entrusted us with. That makes it all His in the first place. Therefore, He expects us to give from the first of what we have to Him, as a way of honoring Him, and as a reminder to us that He owns it all.
The Old Covenant Law required God’s people to tithe (which literally means giving to God a tenth of your income). Under the New Covenant, Jesus instructed us to give it all. He wanted to make sure He was on the throne of our lives, not our money.
I can attest to the fact that God is faithful to His children who give, even as they struggle to be faithful, financially, to Him. My husband once challenged his very small congregation to tithe 10 percent of their income for a month, and if they couldn’t pay all their bills at the end of the month – after tithing and being responsible with what they had left – my husband would personally pay their bills for them! Now that was scary for me, yet God showed His faithfulness as that poverty-stricken congregation (and the pastor’s wife!) learned to tithe and trust. Ask God to challenge you with what He wants you to give and trust Him with each month.
Watch for four more ways to trust God with your finances in next week’s blog. In the meantime, which of these do you find most helpful? I’d love to hear it in the comment section below.
Truly encouraging words and empowering
Thank you Lord for the power of the Holly Spirit in the article.
Great words of wisdom! God’s blessings to you. Margie
Thank you, Margie. His blessings to you, as well.
Literally, a few hours ago I was saying to God….”I know you’re gonna send some help!” I had sent a msg to a family friend and she hadn’t responded. As I said the prayer to myself she responded. Glory….and as I was headed to her house..I received this in my email. You reminded me Cindi of a conversation I already had with God at the end of November after closing my salon after 9yrs and now only working 3 days a week…God said that “HE” was responsible for my DAILY PROVISION..not me. This was ON TIME! THANK YOU for the reminder.
Renee, thank you for taking the time to share that “God-moment” with me and my readers. That is so encouraging to me this morning and I continue to trust Him with the timing of the messages He lays on my heart. Yes, HE is our daily provision. Watch for more on this topic next Tuesday.
I particularly liked the 4th point as the Lord has been impressing on me to put Him first by honouring Him with my wealth and first fruit offering – Proverbs 3.9.
I am to trust his Father heart, and look away from my fears and worries.
I want to say that your article’s focus is on loving the Lord, which is the primary point..it just blessed me.
Thank you for sharing dear sis.
Thank you, Sush, for your encouraging comment. When we focus on Him, we realize how very much we already have and it helps us maintain an attitude of gratitude and contentment.
All of your points have open my eyes to trust God more and not worry. Its hard when you are unemployed to stay strong, but this reading is keeping me focused.
Holly, thanks for your comment. It IS difficult to trust when we can’t see beyond tomorrow.But He’s the God who holds all our tomorrows in His hand and He can get us where we need to go.
Thank you very much for insightful. May our Good Lord continue to bless you.This is what I needed.
I’m glad it was helpful to you, Monica. I must constantly remember everything I have comes from Him and He is able to supply and multiply anything.
Thank you God for blessing my family and myself. I trust in you and love you!
Your first point about realizing it’s not about the money is right on! This last year the Lord removed me from an $80,000 a year job to a less than $30,000 a year job. I was frustrated, confused, and tired. However, over this last year, I have gotten out of debt, challenged myself to learn about money, and because I was forced to live on a tight budget, I learned that anything is possible. I am the best I have ever been with money now because of this last year. I am now, for the first time in my life, able to meet my goal of investing, and all on a small salary! I wished I had trusted the Lord from the start, but am so grateful for the lessons He’s allowed me to learn this past year. None of which I would’ve learned making a lot of money. Thanks for this post! It’s the truth!
Kelsey, thank you so much for taking the time to share with us your powerful story of how God comes through when we trust Him to provide. If I end up writing my next book on this topic, I’d love to interview you and include more of your story to help my readers trust in Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides! I’ll be in touch!
Thank you so much for this powerful words to trust God when money is tight. Now I know what to do. God is our Provider, I should always put my trust on Him alone.
Thank you, Velile. You said it well — we all should put our trust in Him alone.
Number 1. It’s not about the money. Lord, please remind me daily that it’s not about the money. Help me to use my lack and abundance to glorify you with my life.
Thanks for your prayer you wrote here, Kay…one we all need to pray as we begin to focus on what we have or don’t have, rather than on Him. Blessings.
It really puts things into perspective when you realize that we only manage the money and that 100% of it belongs to God. I have found paying tithes never makes sense on paper and I have yet to ever guess or imagine how He provides but without fail, He always does. I have a business where I made a very high income for over 25 years and about 5 years ago things began to change. I started losing business for the first time in my career. I lost 2/3’s of my business over a 2 year period. I was in a panic, frustrated, pleading with God to turn it around and bring in the business as I had seen Him do so many times before. I didn’t know how we were going to make it. God did answer that prayer but not in the way I expected. I realize now He wanted me to not work so hard. It was time to rest more. I will never understand how we could live on so much less. It doesn’t make sense. It never does but that is the way He works.
Thank you, Becky, for giving another great testimonial to the goodness and heart of God. He wants our best, and that often doesn’t equate to more money. How much more valuable is more rest…especially when you think of how rest (which amounts to health) can add to the pleasure and productivity of a prolonged life. He truly is good. And He truly knows how to provide EXACTLY what we need. Thanks again for your encouraging story.
This thinking is slightly different for me. I never thought of me just managing his money. I never thought of it being all about trust! I did not think of it as a way of putting Him as number one, as CEO of our life, as some people say. But I do know as others have said tithing helps to pay the bills, even tho it does not work out on paper. I needed this today. May God bless you and your pastor husband all your family this day and always.
Thank you, Marguerite.
The part about your husband’s sabbatical greatly encourages me. After 27 years as a founding pastor of a small church that ministered mainly to the homeless, my husband, feeling prompted by the Lord, actually closed down our church last July and is taking a sabbatical/ semi sabbatical. We’ve seen amazing miracles throughout our lives, raising 4 children on a very limited budget, the Lord’s always been faithful. This season is taking us ( at least me
) to a new level of trust and reliance on our Lord. Most days I’m filled with His peace that passes all understanding, but then there’s times, when I look at things in the natural, that sheer panic creeps up on me. I’m enjoying your weekly words of encouragement as I lean on the Lord in this challenge new season.
Thank you, Janet, for sharing your similar story. You’ll be one I’ll contact if I end up writing a book on how God comes through financially when we trust Him with all we have and don’t have.
I’d love that! We have amazing testimonies when God’s come through for us when we were powerless. All glory goes to Him! I feel like if we were to ever get together and actually meet we’d have so much to share. I saw your writing seminar and it looks awesome! Someday, if the Lord directs me, I’d love to write a book about the great things He has done.
I read the 5 reasons God isnt answering your prayers and that led me here. I have been praying desperately to God for a while to the point I started asking Him why He has turned His face away from me. Right now I am encouraged and I have learnt a lot from these two articles. May God continue giving you more insight to be able to encourage and guide those of us that need this. God bless you.
I’m glad you were encouraged, Winnie. Whenever we start asking God why He’s turned away from us we must then correct that thinking by asking ourselves “What am I believing about God that isn’t true?” We might feel He’s abandoned us but He promises in His Word that He never will. He doesn’t fail us or go back on His promises. So our thinking is what must have gone astray. Keep focused on the truth of Who He is…the truth that is found in His Word.
Blessings to you.
All I have is today and right now. I don’t know what tomorrow holds. So I trust God for the rest of my forever