That’s a pretty big claim, isn’t it? That just three truths can change your life for the better?
But seriously. The people I’ve shared these truths with — who were feeling hopeless or struggling through a season of despair — found something to live for again when they chose to believe these truths.
That’s my prayer for you. Whatever you’re struggling with, whatever lies you’ve believed about yourself or about God, and whatever you feel ashamed about, these three truths can change your life, too, if you really believe them:
- He ALREADY found a way to rescue you.
While it might seem like God is unaware of your personal plight, God is ever aware of your eternal plight. So much so, that He will, at times, let us struggle with things temporarily so they will prepare us for eternity. God found a way to redeem you and me through the life and blood of His precious Son, Jesus when we didn’t even know we needed His help. God found a way so we don’t have to pay the ultimate price for our sin condition. He sent His Son to pay that price.
Romans 5:6-8 tells us “For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Think about it, my friend. If God can take care of your eternal life, when you didn’t even know you had a problem, He can certainly be trusted to take care of your everyday life, as well. A simple truth, yet when applied to our lives each day, it can be transforming. You are already rescued. Take that into today…and tomorrow.
2. God is FOR you, not against you.
How many times does something go wrong in our lives and we automatically assume God is punishing us, out to get us, or just deeply disappointed in us? I heard from a reader this past week who bitterly recounted all the ways God has disappointed him by not giving to him the things he has requested. Yet one thing he never mentioned is if he had given himself to God — in surrender. That’s all God wants from you and me. And when we give Him our all, we often find that God then becomes our all and we have nothing else that we need.
Romans 8:31 assures: “If God is for us, who can ever be against us?” That verse tells us that if we are trusting in Jesus Christ alone for our salvation, we then become a child of God and anyone who opposes us must come up against the Living God who defends us. That’s some power in your corner, alright.
If you still picture God as angry, impatient, hard-to-please or just waiting to knock you down a size, take another look at Scripture. Psalm 107:8 tells us: “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness.” And Psalm 145:9 reminds us: “The Lord is good to all, and His mercies are over all His works.” He is a God of second, third, and a million chances and His mercies are “new every morning” (Lamentations 3:23). That is a good God who is waiting to forgive, redeem, and give a new start to anyone who asks. If you are His, He is FOR you. And nothing can ever truly come against you.
3. God can turn around your mess-ups and make them work for you.
God is not only good, Himself, but He can make good out of the things in your life that are bad. He can redeem any person. He can reverse any mistake. And He can make a masterpiece out of any mess (Ephesians 2:10).
As a God who specializes in redeeming and restoring and making all things new, He promises to “work all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). When you and I surrender our lives to Him, or blow it after we have, He is there to pick up the pieces and put them back in new places so the picture of our lives can be even better than it was before. That is beyond good. That is incredible.
Don’t those truths give you hope again? Don’t you want to know more intimately a God like that?
You can. He is waiting to get up close and personal with you.
(If you desire a closer relationship with this God who pursues your heart, read my book When God Pursues a Woman’s Heart, deeply discounted in my website store THIS MONTH ONLY.)
Thank you so much, This came at the right time.
It’s amazing when one isn’t sure what Scripture is needed for a specific moment that God brings it right to you through another. Many Blessings (Flo)
Hi Florence, it’s always great to hear from you. Yes, that must be part of what it means that Scripture is LIVING…always on the move in our hearts, in our conversations and showing up just when you needed it. Praise God for His Word!