Would you like this new year to be a better, more thriving year with God?
It can be if you learn to fall in love with Him and His Word once again.
If you’re like most people, you struggle with staying focused and making your devotional time more meaningful. Sometimes the hardest part is just getting there – to that quiet place with an open Bible and an open heart ready to hear from God. Then, once you arrive, it seems that distractions abound, right? Or, maybe you feel like you’re in a rut when it comes to your daily routine of meeting with God.
Just like a well-thought-out date night can tune up a marriage and keep it running smoothly, putting a little more thought into spending alone time with God can rejuvenate your devotional life.
Here are 5 ways to reignite your quiet time with God so you come to Him in 2019 out of inspiration, not obligation:
- Break the Routine
Having a regularly-scheduled quiet time in the same place at the same time each day is good for developing a habit, and making sure you don’t miss intentional time with the Lord. But it may be helpful to switch up your routine at times to break the monotony and the predictability of your time with God.
Break the monotony of familiarity by moving your quiet time to a different room of the house, or switching to a different time of the day. If you are a morning person, try an evening reflection in addition to – or instead of – your morning routine for a day or two. You may even find an extended weekend day will help break the routine and usher in some much-needed quiet time with God. Consider playing some soft music or recorded nature sounds to help you reflect and focus on the Lord. Think of your quiet time with God like a date and change it up to add some excitement to your time with Him.
2. Bring it Outdoors
Do you usually have your quiet time indoors? Then bring it outside onto your front porch or sit in the garden (weather permitting) for some quiet time alone with your Bible. Getting outdoors – and hearing the birds chirp or the wind blow through the trees, or the rain fall as you’re sitting on your covered patio – can bring you to a place of deeper appreciation for your Creator and remind you that “The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains” (Psalm 24:1).
If the weather is nice, take a worship walk and listen to God’s Word through a Bible app or sermon podcast on your phone. By moving, as you’re listening, you can stay engaged and eliminate your mind from wandering.
3. Change Your Focus
Do you ever feel you are going through a “dry time” with God because you’re not hearing from Him or learning anything in particular from His Word? Some refer to it as being “in a spiritual rut.” I remember experiencing this, too, and then I realized I was feeling that way because the emphasis was on me and what I was expecting to receive from God. It occurred to me during that time that perhaps I should be asking what God wanted, rather than dwelling on what I was hoping to get from Him.
Consider going to your quiet time with no other expectation than meeting with God in the silence and enjoying His presence. If you don’t feel Him there, remember that “faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1) and that “without faith it is impossible to please Him” (Hebrews 11:6), and sometimes He wants you to come knowing He is there without having to always feelHim. Ask God what He wants out of your time together, rather than telling Him what you want. Perhaps He wants you to just sit with Him in the silence and to know you will keep coming back, regardless of what you receive from Him.
4. Listen Quietly
Sometimes it’s easier for us to start in with our requests when we go to God in prayer, rather than to listen for Him quietly. When we take time to listen for God’s whispers on our hearts we can have a more meaningful and relational time with Him, rather than a purely academic time of learning from His Word.
Practice listening by reading a portion of Scripture and then turning it into a question. Ask God What does this mean in the context of who you are speaking to, and how can I apply this to my life?Don’t be afraid of staying a few days or even longer in a passage to glean from it what God wants to say to your heart. Scripture exhorts us to “study” to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman that needs not be ashamed, able to rightly divide the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15, KJV). Interesting that Scripture says “study” or “Be diligent” (NASB, NIV, ESV), not “read quickly.” So, take the time to study and be diligent and a large part of that time may be spent listening.
5. Write It Out
Our minds can tend to wander when we read. Start reading actively by journaling what you’re reading and learning. Rewrite the psalms – or other passages of Scripture – in your journal or paraphrase them by putting yourself into the verses and personalizing them.
You can also stay focused by writing out your prayers as a conclusion to your time with God. Keep a record of what you’re praying for (along with the date of your request) and record God’s answers – yes, no, or not yet. When you get in the habit of writing during your quiet time you can better retain what you’re learning and stay more focused and engaged with the text. You also end up with a record of what you’re learning and a great reminder, through the years, of your spiritual journey and where God has taken you, what He’s brought you through, and His history of faithfulness.
Which of these will you try to rev up your devotional time with God this year? Let me know in the comment section below. (And watch for “5 More Ways to Revive Your Quiet Time” on next week’s blog.)
Moving quiet time to a different room.
Thanks, Kay. I hope you find the distractions are minimized and your experience with God and HIs Word are greatly enhanced. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Cindi,
Thank you for sharing this information. It’s not as though any of it is new, but it does remind us of ways to get back on track with the Lord. I, myself, love the outdoors….watching in awe of the beauty of His creation, made just for our enjoyment! So, I am going to “Bring it Outdoors” and take some spiritual walks with Him by my side. In addition, I lead a women’s Bible study each week. God has called us to be “Warriors in Christ” and this past year we experienced His faithfulness many times. In 2019, we are entering this new year with great expectations that the best is yet to come for we are confident, we are on the brink of a breakthrough and God has chosen us to be a part of it! I shared that to say this: I intend to write down the “5 Ways to Reignite Your Quiet Time with God” and give each of my ladies a copy for a “New Year” gift to begin their prayer time with God and see His faithfulness even more this year, knowing as long as we believe and speak His Word, we do see circumstances change in our lives!
May God continue to bless you and your ministry richly. And again, thank you for sharing and reminding us of the simple things in life that bring power!
Hi Bonnie: Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I’m thrilled you’ll be sharing these 5 ways with your Bible Study group. I’ll be posting another five ways next week, as this blog is adapted from an article I wrote for Crosswalk.com which you may want to print in its entirety to share with your group. You can find the complete article here: https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/spiritual-life/10-ways-to-have-a-more-meaningful-quiet-time.html
Thanks for your encouragement to be a Warrior in Christ and experience His power, presence, and provision through answered prayer. Many blessings to you and those you minister to in this new year.
I want to spend more time outdoors in my quiet time. I feel closer to God in His creation than anywhere else. I also have an Inspire Bible with scripture coloring pages that I hope to spend time on and memorize as I color.
Those are great ideas, Gail. Keep warm outdoors, though, in case it’s as cold there in Alabama right now as it was the January I visited! Brrrr. And I love that you have a Bible to help you memorize Scripture, as well. Keep in touch and let me know how that goes.
Happy New Year Cindi! Quiet times are happy times when we walk with Jesus daily.
Happy New Year to you, too, Ramona.
Wow, all of them are great. I like the writing part. Journaling and writing scripture down.
I hope you enjoy that, Yasmin. I find that writing keeps me engaged with Scripture on a more personal level and keeps it in my head longer, too.
Hi Cindi
Thank you so much! I am going to be changing my focus and listening quietly. I get too caught up in thinking what do I need to be doing and need to really focus on listening to what God wants me to do. I need to slow down this year and focus on Him, no matter what happens during the day.
Great thoughts, Amy. I completely agree. Listening is difficult for me sometimes too, because I want to do all the talking. Thanks for your comment.
Wow, Cindi, prior to this moment, I had never known of you, your husband, and your daughter. I was studying some pieces from Crosswalk (great piece written by you), and as God would have it I ran across your website – I love it! The connection was instantaneous, and I look forward to spending more time with you, and reading your manuscripts, most particularly “Drama Free”. Cindi, I extend to you, your husband, and your daughter a very Healthy, Safe, Prosperous, and Happy New Year.
HI Renee: Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. I love making new friends and am thrilled you are looking forward to reading my book, Drama Free. Sometimes we have no idea the drama that each day can hold until we are aware of our responses to it and the ability to give it to God and have it turn into an opportunity for a divine appointment, instead. Thanks again for your note and please keep in touch.
These are all such great ideas – thank you for all that you do. Happy New Year to you and your family.
Thank you, Lara. Happy New Year to you and yours, as well.
Thanks alot.Be blessed.
Bringing it Outdoors.
I hope you love your time with God outdoors, Liz. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Love this. I have recently started to journal and have been unable tho have my “normal” quiet time (spot or time) due to hosting family & kids on vacation . What a great reminder to let go of normal and change it up this week! I will be intentional t o carve out time at different times of the day and be willing t o be flexible and adventurous on location
Happy New year Cindi!
Connie, I’m encouraged that you’re inspired to switch it up. I love that you are “willing to be flexible and adventurous on location.” That’s a goal for all of us. Happy New Year, friend.
This is my very first time on your website, and am so glad that God lead me to it.
I am going to work on the 4 out of your 5 ways to Reignite your quite time with
God because am a single woman therefore l like to spend my quite time in my bedroom
instead of outdoors.
Am goal is to fall in love with God and His Word in the most intimate way like never before ,
and be able to finish the whole Bible in a year. This is my desire.
Thank you so very much for your thoughts and insight of God’s Word.
Thank you, Henrietta. I’m glad you found me online. Best wishes as you draw closer to God this year (Jeremiah 29:13).
Write down and listen
Thanks for your comment. The listening part is more difficult, isn’t it?
Thank you very much for this article. I’m excited to start journaling. I love your suggestions on how to journal my thoughts, what I’ve learned and my prayers and how or when they were answered.
Hi Angela! I’m excited about your desire to begin journaling what you’re experiencing in God’s Word and what you’re praying for and how He’s answering. Keep in touch and let me know how it goes.
Thanks Cindi for sharing this information, please will try to implement them in my daily life. please help me pray for my job, am getting humiliation and frustration from my boss.
Christine, I am praying that God will give you strength in your job situation or clearly open another door for you.