Have you ever had a week when one frustration after another compounded until you threw your hands up and said, “I’m done!”?
(I’m not sure what “I’m done!” actually means but it sure feels good to say it in the moment.)
That’s what the past three days have been like for me. And the most frustrating part was not knowing what God wanted to teach me in all of it.
I’m a firm believer that we live in a spiritual realm and everything is not only in God’s control but as we yield to Him, He can work everything we encounter–even the frustrating situations–for our benefit and His glory (Romans 8:28-29).
I had just finished writing an article called “7 Ways Knowing God Can Lessen Your Anxiety.” And perhaps God wanted to, once again, make sure I’m living out what I’m teaching. 🙂 Because this past week has been beyond frustrating.
It started with my printer that decided to no longer work. At all. It wouldn’t even power up. So I ordered a new power cord because my husband thought that would be a less expensive fix if that was the problem. When the cord arrived two days later and was plugged in, that didn’t fix the printer. So we ordered a new printer. We waited another couple days for it to arrive and then my husband set it up right away because he knew I’d been delayed almost a week with tasks like printing postage and invoices and important tax documents to take to my accountant.
After the printer was set up and I was singing hallelujahs that I could finally print, seven pages into my printing, the printer stopped working. After a couple of hours of online chats, troubleshooting efforts, and a phone call with the printer company, I was told my brand new color ink cartridge that came with my brand new printer was empty (I hadn’t yet printed anything in color!), and I needed to order a replacement cartridge to get the printer to work again. I finally gave that one to the Lord. I’m now waiting another 2-3 days for a new cartridge so I can finally print again. Then this morning, my fairly new washing machine decided it did not want to work either. Under any circumstance. 🙁
The natural reaction is to cry out to God “What more?” And then I hang my head in conviction and perspective. Is this really a “struggle” or a mere inconvenience?
A new printer (that cost less than $50) that won’t print.
A fairly new all-digital washing machine that isn’t doing what it’s supposed to do.
Delays and setbacks in accomplishing what I need to do with modern appliances that aren’t functioning properly.
O Lord, it could be so much worse!
I was able to get out of bed this morning pain free. (My 87-year-0ld father prays for that daily. )
I was able to enjoy a day yesterday with my adult daughter, shopping and eating a great lunch together. (I have friends who will never again be able to enjoy times with their daughter this side of heaven.)
I was able to snuggle up next to my husband on the couch last night, and enjoy the life we have together, after he did the cooking. So many people I know have already lost their husbands, or lost their zeal for life with one.
Why do I feel I am entitled to anything more?
Lord, on the days when everything isn’t a complete blessing, help me to remember that the air that passes through my lungs and the blood that pumps through my heart–and the fact that I know You and can rest because You are in control of all things–is enough of a blessing. Forgive me for complaining when all doesn’t go according to plan in my little world. Expand my perspective to see all You are doing in Your world and help me to yield my impatient reactions to You so You can refine me, and help me to become more like You in every way. Especially on the frustrating days.
And by the way, if God can calm the wind and the waves, certainly He can get my washing machine going again. And my printer. If He can be trusted with our eternal life, He can be trusted with our everyday life, too.
What has frustrated you lately? Let me know in the comment section below so we can be praying for each other. 🙂
My husband treats me like dirt until he wants to sleep with me. We live in a dump but the irony is he is a contractor but won’t fix anything because we don’t pay him. My kids witness the emotional and verbal abuse almost daily. My son has a lying and stealing spirit on his back and claims to love God but I’m not so sure if he even really believes in him. I desperately want to move away from all of this but can’t afford to. My uncle who I prayed for God to protect in prison had his leg amputated last week. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I pray every day for a long time now about these things but God has not moved. I know he is there but I am very frustrated and don’t understand why he has not.
I’m sorry for what you are experiencing, AJ. In our humanity we search for an answer to the question “why?” and yet God allows what He does to get us to the point where we are fully surrendered and looking to Him as The Answer. I will be praying for you to sense His presence and clear direction for your circumstances.
It has been a wild ride these past 6 weeks. My mother in law passed away my oldest daughter stuck her hand between two dogs and got bit and had nerve damage and then my other daughter finally decided to go to rehab in Colorado. Two quick trips to PA to help my daughter on surgery days and a trip to CO see my youngest in rehab for her birthday. A funeral and helping the family clean out my mother in laws house -she was a bit of a hoarder. Well maybe more than a bit. Work has been the hardest I have had to manage in 35 years of my career working 60-70 hours per week. In the middle of all of this I had to spend a week in SD to deal with some things at another facility. My oldest son is autistic and is off his meds. Oh and we lost electricity over thanksgiving in the old house we just bought 9 months ago, cast iron pipes leaking and so we have been under construction for the past two months. And now my husband has a kidney stone. Your article meant a lot. Some times I need to be reminded — well almost always -that God has a plan and he sees our struggles and pain. It’s so easy to get lost in everything. And complaining -a lot of complaining -made my perception of life even worse. So thank you for the words today. In the midst of all this I have three beautiful children and a loving husband. I have a neat old house that we love. I am healthy. I have two beautiful dogs and a good job. I am breathing. Thank you God for the blessings I take for granted everyday. Thank you for the “slap upside the head” because that’s just what we need sometimes-to remember that He is with us in all of this and he controls it all. There is usually a reason it’s just sometimes we don’t know what that is. But that’s ok. His plan not mine.
Thank you, Michele, for sharing your thoughts and your commitment to be surrendered to God’s will and timing. You and your circumstances are in my prayers.
Thank you for a good example of wisdom by putting it all in perspective with a grateful and reverent heart to God!! Well done!
You’re welcome, Wanda. Thank you for taking the time to respond in such an encouraging manner. 😊
My frustration is a couple of friends I’ve texted 2-3 times in the last month and I haven’t heard back from them. It makes me wonder if I’ve done something to hurt their feelings, or maybe they are going through a really hard time. I don’t know. Please pray for my relationship with these friends. Praying for you too. Great article and prayer! By the way my little Bible study group decided to do your book The New Loneliness, for our next Bible study. 😁
Amber, it’s easy to think we did something wrong when it might be something going on in someone else’s life that has nothing to do with us. I am praying for your clarity in how to proceed or that God will intervene and cause them to reach out to you. He is the God of reconciliation so He specializes in answering prayers like that. 😊 And I’m thrilled to hear your group will be studying through my newest book. Let me know how it goes.
Good reminders Cindi, to think on the good things I have.
I’ve been there so many times and always so grateful when it’s all over. Of late I sit in the silence of my Apt and just think on the blessings of the Lord. When I feel a need to talk to the Lord about things, I have a little blue chair across from my Love seat. That blue chair is where the Lord sits and I allow myself to let Him know how I am. I love the silent presence of the Lord. I always know, I’m never alone no matter what is going on in my walk.
Thank you, Ramona, for sharing with me and my readers how you remind yourself of the Lord’s unseen presence in the room. He’s always there watching, listening, protecting, affirming– when we, by faith, trust His presence and His Word.
On Saturday my only son is having a memorial for his ‘wife’ of 12 years. They share a 12 year old daughter. Her sister is 21 yrs.old and lives with them. The brother is married and has 4 kids himself. The 2 older have a different Father,but my son has always loved them as his own.The 12 yr. old is my Granddaughter,whom I pray will be able to lean on me,and turn to God. Sheis angry! I need support/strength from our Lord so I can be strong for her. I need to turn my concerns over to God,I need to feel confident knowing God is there for us all . Julie
Oh Julie, I am so sorry that your granddaughter has lost her mother. Yes, I will be praying for you to be strong and to be a mighty influence in your granddaughter’s life right now as she struggles with her faith and with all the emotions that are crashing in on her right now. Don’t underestimate the power of a praying grandma and what your prayers can do for her. Here is my encouragement to you today, from God’s Word– a promise I have relied on throughout my life, especially when the circumstances seemed stacked against what I was praying for: “This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him” (1 John 5:14-15 NASB)
Our God hears and He answers. And He loves your granddaughter even more than you do. Stand strong, my sister in Christ. Your prayers for her are not in vain.