How natural it is for you and me to go into a tailspin when circumstances feel overwhelming. When we can’t see the future. How quickly we can panic and feel we must figure it out ourselves. How easy it is to rush ahead in our minds to the worst-case scenario, and all the reasons we can’t get through something.
Yet how can you and I fear anything when we are under the watchful eye of the all-powerful, all-capable, and ever-loving God who has repeatedly proven that He will not let anything touch us that hasn’t first passed through His loving hands?
In Psalm 32:8, He says: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”
And yet, we still fret.
Anxiety happens. And it can happen at any moment that you and I are not fully convinced that we are intensely loved, intimately cared for, and being capably moved forward into His perfect plan for us as we surrender our situation to Him.
Anxiety can take our hearts and minds hostage when we are not fully convinced that God is capable of taking care of whatever concerns us. While you and I can only see today (and we are experts about fearing tomorrow!), the God who holds all our days in His hands and has seen every one of them before us is waiting to lovingly, gently convince us that
- All His ways are perfect (Psalm 18:30)
- He knows how to give eternally good gifts to His children (Matthew 7:11)
- He will work all things together for good in our lives so that we will become more like His Son (Romans 8:28-29)
- He can give us His perfect peace that is beyond our understanding when we give our concerns to Him (Philippians 4:6-7)
- He will never leave us on our own (Psalm 139:7-12; Hebrews 13:5)
When I focus on my concerns and the circumstances I cannot control, I slide into a state of stress and downward spiraling worry, and realize I have one of two choices:
- I can choose to feel neglected, discriminated against, and left to my own devices to figure out my dilemma (and the result is always continued stress, panic, fear, and full-blown anxiety).
- I can call upon the One who loves me more than I can fathom and who is allowing me to go through this for a reason, and trust His goodness (resulting in the peace He promises to everyone who surrenders to Him in prayer).
I choose to give my anxious situations to the Lord in prayer. Not in a verbal vent. But to surrender it to Him, transfer it into His capable hands so I won’t be weighed down by it any longer. And then I thank Him that my situation didn’t take Him by surprise. In return, God’s incomprehensible peace covers me like a warm blanket draped over my cold, worried heart. I love the Bible’s prescription for fear, worry, and anxiety which is found in Philippians 4:6-7:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Did you catch that? The prescription is as simple as…
- Pray (by telling God what you need and thanking Him ahead of time for how He will answer)
- Receive His peace
That passage of Scripture tells us the remedy for anxiety: Prayer replaces our panic with God’s peace.
As you and I struggle with whatever is taking us down that lonely road of uncertainty or anxiety, God already knows what we need. But He often waits for us to surrender to Him our inability to work it out ourselves, and to come to Him with open arms ready to receive His help.
Through God’s peaceful presence, through His trustworthy Word, and through His body—our brothers and sisters in the Lord whose ears are tuned to hear His voice and detect His nudges—God will provide the guidance and wisdom you and I need to make every decision that is before us. You and I are not alone. Our God is with us. And so are those He has surrounded us with, even when we’re still feeling alone.
(This blog was excerpted from the first chapter of my book, The New Loneliness. Order your signed copy in my website store or at a deeply discounted price on Amazon.
Great blog Cindi! Anxiety has been my enemy for a long time.I went through some financial things with my ex last year and the anxiety hit so hard, I wanted to give up the fight. I couldn’t sleep so I read Psalms and Proverbs out loud in the early morning hours crying out to God to settle it. I fought so hard and became a weary soldier, that after 3 months I gave up. I didn’t feel the Lords presence because in my heart He didn’t answer my prayers. A year later, I saw that I was anxious for nothing, because the Lord is meeting my needs. I learned another lesson a few days ago. There are days I don’t know how to pray so I asked the Holy Spirit to intercede on my behalf. I did my taxes today and after 15 yrs of paying out, I didn’t have to pay this year, and will be getting a refund. When my agent told me that, I breathed the biggest sigh of relief and praised God. LoL, but I have a new anxiety creating up. Someone wants to buy seven of my paintings and I’m not sure how to price them. When will we learn to rest in the Lord and trust that He will guide our every step.
Ramona, thank you for your honest comment, as always. Real life brings anxiety if we aren’t fully rooted int he knowledge that God can capably handle it all. He takes care of us so wonderfully. I had another week, like last week, when my printer wouldn’t work again, then our heater went out, then my phone stopped working. I had to take a deep breath and then laugh and say “I get it, God. I’m not in control. But thank YOU that YOU certainly are.” Once I calmed down, I was able to just rest in the fact that He loved me, He truly loves us, and then it all just worked out. Just like with your story. Don’t be anxious about pricing your paintings. Just be honest about valuing the gift of painting that God has given you and trust that if He wants you to sell them at that amount, they’ll sell, and if not, He wants you to keep them a little longer. 🙂 When He knows our hearts are to minister and to glorify Him in all things, and not to be greedy for gain, He always blesses. Have a restful week in Jesus.
Cindi, thank you for this beautiful message, very much needed this gray, dreary morning! Such wisdom!
As you point out, “I can choose to feel neglected, discriminated against, and left to my own devices to figure out my dilemma (and the result is always continued stress, panic, fear, and full-blown anxiety)” — this reminds me of Elisabeth Elliot’s warning, of our falling into the dangerous, demonic trap of self-pity, which is to say we become self-centered, forgetting that our focus needs to be completely on Christ. The work of the devil is to distract us from the reality of God’s goodness and grace by leading us into imaginary hopelessness. We focus on our suffering; either not having what we want, or, having what we don’t want (such as illness accompanied by pain).
Thank you for reminding us of God’s truthful presence and the purpose of His Cross this blessed Lenten season. And soon — Saint Patrick’s Day!
Your faith is contagious! And your messages always perfectly timed!
Sally, thank you so much for encouraging my heart with your words, and for mentioning my mentor author Elisabeth Elliot. How I have cherished her words of wisdom through the years. You’re welcome for the reminder of God’s presence and the purpose of His Cross and please stay in touch. I LOVE hearing from readers like you who are growing spiritually and full of encouragement toward their sisters in Christ. 🙂 Have a blessed Easter season.