Do you have a plan for growing spiritually in the next 12 months? I had to start making a plan every January to ensure I didn’t end the year in …
Do you have a plan for growing spiritually in the next 12 months? I had to start making a plan every January to ensure I didn’t end the year in …
Wouldn’t it be nice if life consisted only of pleasant surprises, not the disappointing ones? The other day I received news that was gravely disappointing. I wasn’t prepared for it …
Are you ready to hear God’s whispers on your heart? Chances are He is already whispering. You and I just need to get quiet enough to listen. You, my readers, …
My husband and I were reflecting recently about the ways people can let us down and even the way we let each other down, at times. It was then that …
Copyright Strength for the Soul, 2018