My daughter, Dana, turned 21 on Sunday. Could it really have been that long since I heard her piercing scream and was told “You have a baby girl!” In honor …
My daughter, Dana, turned 21 on Sunday. Could it really have been that long since I heard her piercing scream and was told “You have a baby girl!” In honor …
The problem is we can be as stressed and busy as we let ourselves become. Most of the time stress rears its ugly head in my life when I’ve taken on too many commitments that are not within the realm of my dream and purpose.
Have you ever asked if it was time to let go of your marriage? After writing a post on what I’ve learned after 25 years of marriage, I received  a …
Today is my 25th wedding anniversary. And after 25 years with the same man, I can honestly say that marriage is one of the best ways to practice dying to …
Copyright Strength for the Soul, 2018