Are you tired of living on a battlefield? Does it seem like every time you turn around there’s an argument brewing?
As I was writing my book, When a Mom Inspires Her Daughter, I included some practical ways we can choose our battles wisely and also diffuse some battles so we’re not constantly in a warzone with our children. But I realized recently, that these peace-making principles can apply to ANY relationship. That’s probably because our battles can be intensified or diffused altogether based on how we — as wives, moms, and girlfriends — choose to react.
Whether you’re going head-to-head with your teenager, your husband, a friend, or a difficult family member, these steps can help you bring calm to an otherwise chaotic situation:
- Don’t overreact. It’s easy for some of us to think the worst and overreact to a situation, by drawing a conclusion that is based on too little information. To react emotionally, rather than rationally and maturely, tends to escalate a discussion into a battle. This is where James 1:19 is so appropriate, especially in the heat of the battle: “But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.”
- Don’t lose your cool. Our volume and energy level can escalate or eliminate a battle in the making. After many situations of completely blowing it in this area with my daughter when she was a teenager, I have learned to say a quick prayer in the heat of the moment: “God, help me to respond in a way that will bring about a gentle and loving response from her.” When I put the emotional thermometer in my lap and make it my responsibility, it’s amazing how well that will diffuse or eliminate a battle, altogether.
- Don’t let your pride get in the way. If you find you are in a “fighting all the time” phase with someone, it may be that another issue is involved. I learned early on in my marriage and in relationships with others that if I am triggered into an argument or a defensive position, there is likely an issue of pride at stake. Unhealthy pride. The kind that says “Who are YOU to talk to ME that way?” Pride also says “I am not going to let this person think this way about me.” Pride can also rear its ugly head when our thoughts are focused on “I have had it. And I’m not going to take this anymore.” I’m not talking about issues of emotional, verbal, or physical abuse. I am talking about discussions or arguments that go sour because our feathers get ruffled and our pride gets hurt. I’m talking about dying to self and the desire to protect our image at all costs.
It takes a great amount of trust in God to give up our need to defend ourselves and leave our reputation in God’s hands. He sees our hearts, He knows our motives, and He can protect our name. After all, if we are following and identifying ourselves with Him, then His name is our name. And He is perfectly capable of taking care of His own.
Can you take one — or all — of these steps today and diffuse a battle that is knocking at your door?
Thank you Cindi:)
I needed to hear that cause me and my boyfriend constantly fighting but it would mostly be me the one starting the fight. It was to the point where it was happening all the time where to the point where I was losing him completely but he has giving me chances. I want to hold on to him and for me to do that I need God to help me. Thank you again.
Thank you for leaving a comment, Diane. You are in my prayers, that you will be a peacemaker in that relationship and that God will help you respond accordingly. Blessings.
Thank you Cindi, what pearls of wisdom!!! It’s so interesting that you say the principles in your book, When A Mom Inspires Her Daughter, can be applied to any relationship because I have discovered that myself. It has been SO helpful! LOVE your 3 steps! You site James 1:19, that has been a big one in our household, especially in raising the kids. In your #2, I like your quick prayer. That would be good to use across the board. Hmmm… pride. Thought provoking. The next time I feel my feathers ruffled I will try a “pride check”.
Thanks, Chery. Always good to hear from you. : )